[ Chapter 2 ]

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Third Person's POV

Sayaka led the group of people to the council room. They were all wearing blue and black uniform, with a black cape.

" They're here. " Sayaka spoke as she opened the two large brown doors.

The white haired girl, Kirari looked up from her documents.

" Welcome, Yuki Takahashi. " She spoke as she propped her face on the back on her hand.

The other white haired girl, Yuki smiled faintly.

" I am glad to be here. Kirari Momobami. " She said.

A girl with long brown hair, who is also wearing a kimono glanced at them.

" Are you gonna introduce yourselves? " She asked before sipping her tea.

" I am Yuki Takahashi, second to oldest of the Takahashi family. Also the president of Phaxton Phoenix High. " Yuki introduces herself.

" I'm Asher Hollaway, Secretary of Yuki Takahashi. " A figure with light brown hair spoke.

" Yukino Takahashi, Vice President of Phaxton Phoenix High. " A girl with long white hair and pale yellow eyes said.

" Shiro Yoshida, Head of Public Relations. "

" Miyuki Yamashita, Treasurer. "

" Y-Yumi Takahashi.. Former treasurer..! "

" Akame Iwasaki, Head of the Election Committee. "

" Yumeno Takahashi, Student Council Historian. "

" Akane Tamura, Student Council Reporter. "

" Mizuki Yamada, Public Morals Committee Chairwoman. "

" Azumi Yamazaki, General Affairs. "

" The other group went around the school. " Yuki spoke.

" Even Yukina..? " Yumeno widened her eyes, the thought of the youngest Takahashi getting lost.

" Perhaps. " Yuki answers.

- - -

A short white haired girl with yellow eyes walked down the hall.She was currently wearing a oversized hoodie and the black cape of her uniform.

" K-Kura..? " She called but no one answered.

She's been walking around like a lost child for a few hours now.She started to sniffle.

She crouched down to the floor and hugged her knees, crying quietly.

" Hey? " A voice asked from behind.

She jumped a little.

" W-Who are you..? " She asked.

" I'm Y/N L/N. " She answered.

Yumeko and Mary showed up beside Y/N.

Yumeko noticed the black cape on the fragile figure.

" Are you lost? " Yumeko asked.

The figure nodded slowly letting out a small sniffle.

" What's your name? " Y/N asks.

" Y-Yukina Takahashi.. " She spoke before sobbing.

" Tch. Quit crying, your whines and sniffles annoy me. " Mary spoke in a stern tone.

Yukina moved back.

" Mary! You shouldn't be like that to her! " Yumeko spoke to the blonde.

" Got a problem? Bare with it. " Mary spoke.

" Then why didn't you bare with her sniffles then, hm? " Y/N raised a brow folding her arms.

" Cause it annoys me! " Mary yelled.

Little did they know a pair was staring at them.

Yukina ran to the pair and hugged the one who's a little bit smaller than the other.

" Yui-nee.. " Yukina spoke softly.

" Why did you run off Yukina? Me and Yume-Nee was so worried. " Yuki crouched down and carried her sister.

Kirari had her arms folded watching both Yuki and the trio.

" Takahashi-San.. " Kirari called.

" Yes? " Yuki answers.

" How was the war? " She asks.

Yuki looked down remembering what happened to her.

" It went well. " She answers lowly.

Kirari looked back at the trio.Yuki stroked Yukina's hair.

Y/N, Yumeko and Mary were now looking at Yuki, Yukina and Kirari.

Y/N quickly bowed.

" Greetings President! " She greets.

Mary just folded her arms.

Yumeko smiled softly at them.

Kirari, Yukina and Yuki walked over to them.

" Who is she, Momobami-San? " Yumeko asks.

" She's Yuki Takahashi, a guest of ours, I'm giving her a tour. " Kirari motioned Yuki who's carrying Yukina.

" Greetings Takahashi-San! " Yumeko spoke.

Yuki just nodded.Mary noticed three figures that seemed familiar.

A girl with wavy blue hair and light purple eyes.

A taller girl with long grayish hair and red cat eyes.

They're also holding a chain leash that is attached to a red haired girl with blue eyes, that has a red collar.

' Is that... '

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