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a little girl named aloke was walking with her dad. her dad stopped walking aloke said why are you stopping . aloke continued walking she felt a tap on her head and heard a voice say "momos coming" in her dads voice! then she turned around. and saw nothing she looked back and kept on walking. she went in the house and called for her mom but she wasnt there . so she hid under her blanket and heard a scream "AHHHHHHHHHH" She yelled "MOM" and then she saw a hand. she screamed "HELP" but the hand was her moms hand then the hand stopped moving but..... she saw blood and then saw a face with big eyes. long hair and a smiley mouth she cried and.... the face became close and her eyes were hurting. and... she passed out and woke up and woke up in a room with kids being dead. then...... momo killed her unexpected then momo went and fried her up.

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