Chapter one

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Roman and Remus' parents called them to the thorn room "yes Mother and Father?" Roman and Remus asked. Their mother was first to speak "Children your father and I have something to tell you." She said calmly "what is it Mother?" Roman asked. It was there father's turn to speak now "Well Roman, Remus you two are going to be in a relationship with each other and you will bare a child to keep our royal bloodline pure." Their father said like it was no big deal except it was a big deal to the princes "What!?" They both asked clearly unhappy with this news "You two are to start a relationship bare at least one child and one day get married to each other" Their mother said "but we hardly get along with each other how are we to one day marry?" Remus asked "simple you spend more time together and get along with each other because you don't have a choice but to agree and get along with each other" The king said
"now go spend some time together Children" Their mother said shoing them away

Remus and Roman left the throne room "What should we do I don't want to marry you!" Roman said to Remus raising his voice a bit which caused Remus to softly whimper cause loud noise scared him "I don't really want to marry you either but mother and father said we have to" Remus mumbled "maybe we should just try and accept it?" Remus suggested "that's easy for you to say you don't have any one who would be sad to find out you're being forced into a marriage with your brother!" Roman said "Who would be upset that we have an arranged marriage?" Remus asked confused "You know Logan the one who helps father make decisions for the kingdom? I've been dating him for a while now" Roman said "really? How come you never told me?" Remus asked "I didn't want to tell you or anyone Logan didn't want anyone to know cause he could possibly lose his job" Roman explained "oh well even if we do have to get married you could still stay with Logan if you want to! Also there is someone who would care if I was forced into marriage" Remus mumbled the last part "who?" "The Baker Patton!" "Well if we do have to get married and they are both okay with it I can stay with Logan and you can stay with Patton!" Roman said "Okay! Now why don't we go do something fun together like go on a picnic?" Remus asked "oh sure sounds like fun!"

(I think that's enough for chapter one!)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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