of books and pages // f.w

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summary: Hello. Could I request a fred x ravenclaw reader were fred really likes her, shes really quiet and shy an kind of keeps to herself and her small group of friends. She really likes him too though. Maybe every saturday he sees her in diagon alley and she goes into a bookstore one time he goes in and shes reading he says hi and she tells him about all her favourite books and stories and she so passionate and hes just like wow didnt know you could speak that much. Sorry if it doesnt make sense.

Warnings: mentions of food

word count: 4.3k

a/n: this was SO FUN to write, oh my goodness. also, i am thinking of doing a writing event for my 3.5k, but i am not sure if anyone is going to participate so i will let you guys know in the coming week if i'll be following through with it lmao

[ i do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other platform ]


The fresh blanket of snow continued to sprinkle down upon the busy cobblestone street of Diagon Alley as people rushed about to get inside shops and restaurants, hoping to stay warm and away from the chilly air that threatened to engulf them as soon as they stepped outdoors.

Fred found that he rather enjoyed the winter weather. Though he was much more of a summer person himself — the sunshine, the warmth, that was his thing, really — he couldn't help the grin that made its way onto his face as he glanced outside the large windows of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. He figured his mum was likely at home right now, beginning the prep on knitting the Christmas presents.

He could practically see it now; the forced smile as he opened, yet again, a soft wool sweater that would just pile onto his collection.

The sky was already getting darker as the sun began to set, meaning it was about time to close the store. Lee and George had taken the afternoon off to watch Ginny play Quidditch, leaving Fred behind to handle the sales for the day. He didn't mind it, honestly. The soft music echoed through the store, which was a lot less busy than usual, considering most people were away at work or school.

He debated closing fifteen minutes early so he could take a stroll through the streets, but that thought flew right out of his mind as the front bell rang, signalling another customer.

A groan escaped his lips and he came down the staircase, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Oh," a soft voice replied, and Fred had to scan the store to find where the voice came from, "I'm alright, thanks."

His eyes landed on you and recognition flooded his features, "I know you. You went to Hogwarts."

You turned on your heels and gave him an awkward smile, "That I did."

"Ravenclaw, right?" he pondered aloud, one of his arms resting against the shelf. He noticed the few white snowflakes that began to melt in your hair and on the shoulders of your jacket. He didn't know you too well, but he did know you were smart. A perfect student. You might even rival Hermione in that area.

You nodded, "Yeah," and began to look around the store, "Nice business. I see why you left."

Fred couldn't help the prideful blossom in his chest, "It's been quite a success, not to brag or anything. Couldn't imagine myself doing anything else."

As you glanced around the shop, Fred couldn't help taking a look at you. You looked pretty much the same as he (vaguely) remembered. But of course, you weren't in your usual blue robes. He also couldn't help but think that you looked awfully pretty up close. He had spotted you a few times across the Great Hall during dinners and feasts, but it wasn't enough to really see you.

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