"Aww. You're making me cry, Joshy." Liv smiled. Leaning in to kiss me.

"Uhhh, a high five!" I said, putting my hand in front of my face, just in time. How did she forget not to do it in front of everyone? I'm the one always forgetting.

"OH! YES! A HIGH FIVE!" She remembered. 

"Umm... why was that lowkey scary?" Frankie asked us.

"Haha, I don't know." I faked a laugh.

"What if you do, but you're just hiding?" He questioned me, getting closer.

"Why would I do that?" I asked, falsely laughing.

"Frankie, stop." Sofia laughed. "You're too invested on Jolivia."

"Jolivia?" Liv mouthed to me.

"Ship name or whatever." I rolled my eyes.

Julia's POV:

Josh and Liv are so bad at hiding their feelings for each other. I think they don't know we spy on them sometimes, when they're walking near the trailers or in the parking lot, yet we never see anything more than them holding hands.

Olivia's POV:

I don't know what happened. I forgot about the whole hiding thing with Josh and I just went for it. Thankfully, he caught it just in time.

"What if we put our scripts in our trailers and head to Larry's?" Sof proposed. We nodded and walked out. Josh waited a little bit before going out. I walked slowly waiting for him.

"Hey." He smiled, grabbing my hand.

"Hi." I beamed, pecking his lips.

"What do you think about the way the show ends?" He asked me.

"I'm excited about the whole thing. It has a lot of drama." I answered. We walked through a bunch of trailers, trying to waste time.

"Don't you think they're wondering were we are?" He asked me.

"Probably." I laughed. "Let's give it 5 more minutes."

"What are going going to do then?" I asked her.

"This." She smirked, interlocking our lips together.

Josh's POV:

I held her waist, bending my knees down a little so she could place her arms around my neck. Every time our lips touch it's out of this world.

"JOSHUA TAYLOR BASSETT, YOU LITTLE-" Frankie exclaimed, making Liv and I flinch and pull away. Oh shoot, they caught us!

"Hi." I said awkwardly, standing next to Liv, realizing the whole cast was behind Frankie.

"We are going to the break room, now!" Frankie demanded, pushing Liv and I to walk. Everyone followed him.

Once we got there, Frankie sat Liv and I on the couch. I interlocked my fingers with Liv's fingers. It was nice that she didn't pull away this time, we've been hiding it for a month.

"YOU GUYS ARE DATING! I KNEW IT! LARRY WAS RIGHT!" Frankie squealed. I wish that was true. Liv and I stayed quiet until he stopped doing whatever he was doing. 

"Are you calm now?" I asked him. He nodded, taking deep breaths. "We're not dating."

"WHAT?!"Everyone exclaimed. Hahaha.

"You guys are joking." Sofia laughed.

"No, we're really not." Liv replied.

"Wait- So, what was- You guys are- WHAT?!" Frankie stuttered.

"So then, what are you guys?" Larry asked. I looked at Liv. If it were up to me we'd be married....Well, maybe not that far, but you get what I mean. I noticed she didn't answer. She wanted me to decide? Oh boy.

"Uh, we're friends." I answered, not looking away from her to see any type of reaction. "Right?" I mumbled to her. She nodded.

"Friends that kiss?" Matt asked.

"Uh, yep. That's us." I smiled.

"I don't know, I'm pretty sure they are dating." Julia shrugged, everyone nodded. I turned to look at Liv again, I could tell she was uncomfortable.

"We're not. Can we just drop the subject?" I asked.

"But you guys were-" Frankie started.

"Please." I said.

"Okay, fine." He gave up. Then a wave of awkward silence came.

"Are we still going to Larry's?" I asked. Everyone nodded and headed to their cars. Liv was coming in my car, and Sofia was going in Larry's car.

The Past Is In The Past(Jolivia)Where stories live. Discover now