Chapter 1 Collecting The Characters

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Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Third POV

   " hmm... let's make a few characters of the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit watch Legolas shall we?" A writer from the future said.


Somewhere from middle earth, white flashes of light blinded onlookers before fading and leaving empty spaces where people used to be.


In the reacting room.

" Where are we?"
" Eww.... get away from me you dwarf."

Around the room, men, elves and dwarves appeared.

" WAIT WAIT WAIT. Everyone settle down. Let's settle this like grown ups." Aragorn shouted. ( A/N IDK how to speak like they would in the books and movies so if it sounds too modern, I'm sorry)

" To start off, why don't we all introduce ourselves?" Legolas said calmly.  Despite him saying it softly, everyone could hear him.

" I'm King Thranduil of the the Mirkwood elves. These are my two oldest sons. Rohima and Falveas." The elven king said all this without getting distracted from his current task of glaring at every dwarf in the room.

" I am Thorin. These are my nephews. Fili and Kili." Thorin said while also glaring at the Thranduil.

" I am Gloin." A red headed dwarf said gruffly.

" I am Bilbo Baggins of the Shire." A reddish brown haired hobbit piped up.

" I am Elrond. These are my sons Elohir and Elladan." The elf lord said.

( basically all the other fellowship members except Boromir, because he is dead and I don't feel like writing about him, along with Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli, introduced themselves)

Just as Aragorn was about to open his mouth to introduce himself, a blast of wind drew everyone's attention to a big screen.

" Hello! Terribly sorry for interrupting your day. For the three who have not introduced themselves, keep your identities to yourself.
Now. You all are here to watch the life of an exceptional elf. It would be nice to see what the future holds. Everyone, get ready to watch the life of Prince Legolas of the Mirkwood kingdom." The words appeared on the screen before fading away.

Legolas just looked at the screen with a blank face, the hood of his green cloak pulled up. He did not look a little concerned that his life is about to be shown to others, and that's what makes Aragorn so worried.

I got bored of waiting. So I started the first chapter. Comments are still welcomed.

Characters watch Legolas ( LOTR )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant