And if somebody hurts you

Start from the beginning

That night you barely got any sleep and eventually you gave up on the idea of sleep and you have been sitting on the sofa just staring at the wall for hours. As the light from the sun rising is slowly filling your apartment the exhaustion now hits you because you feel tired after work yesterday and everything that has happened since. Thankfully you don't have a shift at the cafe for the next few days and Ally also got a few days off after what happened and cancelled her meetings. Your plan for today is to find Cordelia with Ally and figure out a plan to find out more about the men that came to the cafe and any way of finding out if they really are witch hunters. Ally wakes up only to find the bed empty and she sees you sitting on the sofa so she makes her way over to you. ''Hey darling'' she says as she wraps her arms around you from behind. ''Hey Ally'' you mumble and as she walks around the sofa and sits next to you she can see how tired you are. ''Didn't you get any sleep?'' she asks and you shake your head. ''I'm worried Ally if they really are after you and Cordelia I couldn't live with myself if anything bad happened'' you say and she cups your cheeks and says ''I understand baby but everything will be fine I promise'' and as you look into her brown eyes you look for any sign to doubt her but she seems so genuine and sure so you believe her. ''Okay'' you mumble and she pulls you into her arms. ''Listen we should find Cordelia and figure something out'' you say and Ally agrees and you both start to get ready by taking a shower and getting changed. You give Ally some of your clothes because she didn't have any time to pack and she wears a sweatshirt and some jeans and you also wear some jeans and a hoodie. After grabbing a bite to eat you and Ally walk hand in hand to Cordelia's hotel. You remember the room she stays in so you lead Ally there and after knocking Cordelia opens with a smile on her face. ''Hey you two'' she says and as you walk inside you can't ignore how stunning she looks again but you can also see how tired she is and that she probably had a hard time sleeping as well. ''We gotta figure something out'' you say and you all take a seat on the sofa in her hotel room. The supreme sits on her bed with her hands on her lap and she says ''Well I have been thinking when we were at the cafe I took a photo of these men and do you know a way we could like track down their identities?'' and you look at Ally hoping she can think of something. ''Hmm I remember we have a register on my work computer from all the voters with photos maybe that could help but it would take hours getting through them because you can't filter them'' but you say ''It doesn't matter as long as we have got a plan right?'' and Cordelia nods and adds ''Can we go there today is that possible?'' and Ally nods. Just as you you are about to leave Cordelia's hotel room to get to Ally's office Cordelia's phone rings and she says ''Hang on it's Zoe''. You take Ally's hand as you are both standing by the door you say ''Thank you, you are a genius'' and she kisses your cheek. As you look at Cordelia you can tell something is off ''Wait Zoe slow down what is going on?'' and you and Ally walk closer to her and panic is written across the supreme's face. The call ends abruptly and she looks at her phone with so much worry and confusion. ''That was Zoe she said someone is at the coven and they are in danger'' and you look at both of the women with panic written across your face. ''It must be those witch hunters we gotta get there'' and Cordelia nods and grabs her things. ''We have to teleport there now Y/N'' and you look at your girlfriend ''I wanna go too'' Ally says but you protest ''No way Ally I am not letting you near danger'' but she says ''Y/N I am your girlfriend I might not be a witch but I won't let either of you go there alone'' she looks at Cordelia and the supreme nods and you still try to protest but it's no use. ''Come on take my hands'' Cordelia says and Ally takes Cordelia's left hand and you her right. ''Ready 3..2..1'' and as you close your eyes you take a deep breath and as you open them again you feel that it's even colder where you just teleported to. 

You take in the familiar white mansion and the black gate and a million flashbacks come flooding in. ''Come on'' Cordelia says and you take Ally's hand and she looks a little stunned at what just happened. You follow the supremes lead inside the coven and you notice an unfamiliar car parked in the parking lot by the greenhouse. As you enter the coven is completely quiet like dead silent and you don't remember it ever being this quiet and the more steps you take towards that front door your body is warning you some threat is around. ''Delia'' you whisper and she looks at you ''There is someone here'' you whisper and she closes her eyes in an effort to find anything a noise hinting what is going on. The three of you jump when you hear a high pitched scream and you all start running towards it immediately. By the long staircase you find a girl passed out with some blood on her face, you don't recognize her so she must be a newer student at the academy. Cordelia kneels down in an effort to heal her and her being supreme and the injuries minor, she manages and the girl breathes heavily as she wakes up. ''Shh shh calm down'' Cordelia says and tears stream down the girls eyes. ''There were some men here they they have guns'' the girl explains and Cordelia leads her to the nearest bathroom and locks the door and tells her to hide in there until this is over. ''Ally you should stay with her please I don't want you getting hurt'' you plead and Cordelia backs you up and says ''Please Ally look after that girl for me'' and Ally doesn't want too but she listens and you make sure to put a protection spell on the door so neither Ally nor the girl can get hurt. ''Follow me'' Cordelia says and you do without hesitating and you and the supreme very quietly make your way upstairs to find someone anyone but there is no sign of anyone. After checking upstairs you both go back downstairs and Cordelia turns to you and says ''Y/N focus you should be able to sense where they are'' and you focus on your body and you take a few steps towards each direction and when you step towards the greenhouse that's when you feel your body acting up the most. ''It's the greenhouse Delia'' you whisper and she nods and takes your hand and leads you to the greenhouse. You carefully open the door only to find pretty much all of the girls in there hiding. ''Oh my god Cordelia'' Zoe says and you can hear how thankful she is to see the supreme there. Queenie and Madison also approach her and that's when they see you. ''Oh my god Y/N'' they say trying not to shout from excitement and forgetting about the circumstances for a moment. ''You found her'' Queenie says with a smile and you suddenly see one of the girls behind you panicking and looking behind you and Cordelia and that's when you see the familiar three men with guns in their hands and masks on walking towards the greenhouse. ''Girls hide now'' Cordelia says and she looks at you and you say ''Cordelia stay in here and protect the girls'' but she takes your wrist and says ''No way Y/N'' but you let go of her grip and you teleport out the greenhouse and in the meantime you lock the greenhouse with another protecting spell making it impossible for the three witch hunters to ever enter. You suddenly stand in front of them and they stop walking and look at you. ''Who are you?'' you shout and they don't say anything but simply point their guns towards you and just in time you manage to teleport away behind them so the bullets don't hit you. ''Did you really think it was smart coming to a place with witches and magic'' you say but all they do is turn around and continue to aim at you for a while. You think of the girls and Ally all locked inside and you know you gotta get the danger away from them so you slowly start walking backwards into the coven to lead them away from Cordelia and the girls. In the meantime the supreme is furious you would bring yourself into danger like that  and she turns to Zoe ''Zoe I gotta get out I gotta help her'' and the four witches join their magic together to try and get rid of the protecting spell so they can help you out. You successfully lead them into the house but you make sure to keep them away from the bathroom Ally is in. You are standing in the middle of the hallway when they keep aiming their guns at you but they quickly realize it's no use because you keep teleporting away from the bullets. The three of them look at each other and they split up which makes it harder for you to get away from them. You teleport to the top of the stairs and one of them is approaching from one side and the other one from the other when you suddenly feel a push and next thing you know you land at the bottom of the stairs and you hit your head slightly but you get up and ready to fight them and protect the coven. They start running towards you and fight you with their bare hands and with all the power you have left in you and ignoring your warning system you try to fight them as best as you can. Meanwhile Ally and the girl can hear fighting and she is trying to get out that door to help whoever is out there. Cordelia and the witches are trying the same and by joining their magic together they manage to get out of the greenhouse and they make sure that Madison stays with the younger witches and Zoe and Queenie follow the supreme inside. In the meantime you are trying to fight them off and you successfully managed to knock one of them out, he is currently on the floor but the other two are harder to fight because whenever you see to punch or push them they only come back stronger like some kind of machine. The wound on your head hurts and you try and not focus on the pain but on protecting everyone and defeating the witch hunters. You are focused on fighting one of them when the other one suddenly grabs you and throws you onto the nearest wall next to the bathroom. ''Ah'' you scream out in pain and Ally must have heard you because she is banging against the door screaming for someone to let them out but you wouldn't let them near her. ''You are finished witch bitch'' the other one shouts and picks you up and for the next few seconds or so they just continue to punch and kick you and your vision is slowly becoming blurry and you can taste blood in your mouth. At this point your body is giving up on you and you try to hit them and get you away but it's no use and in the matter of seconds you suddenly hear footsteps and many things happen at the same time. You can see Cordelia and the girls through your blurry vision. Zoe let's out Ally and the younger witch and Queenie uses her voodoo magic to knock the witch hunters out and your body drops onto the floor away from their grip. At the same time Cordelia and Ally run to you and they find you on the floor beaten and unconscious. ''Y/N'' they shout at the same time and that's the last time you hear their voices for the next few days.

After you passed out Cordelia and Ally took you to the greenhouse where Cordelia got all of her healing potions out and tried to soothe your wounds. After a fight like that she can't completely heal you because there might be internal damage but she uses some spells on you to get you to heal and she reassures Ally that you will be okay once you wake up again. The two of them stayed in the greenhouse with you for a while before the supreme moved you to her bedroom and Ally stayed with you day and night for the first two days. It's particularly hard for Ally because she felt powerless and weak when she heard you fight for everyone and she couldn't do anything to protect you, she is worried sick about you and she would often sit on the edge of the bed and stroke your cheeks but making sure not to hurt the bruises. Cordelia in the meantime tried to distract herself from what happened in her own way. She blames herself for letting you go out there to fight them on your own and that she couldn't get there sooner to protect you. After taking care of you in the greenhouse and moving you to her bedroom she spent the next few days in her office and with the girls and she made sure they are okay and she also used a spell on the witch hunters to learn about them, their intention and if there are any more. They learned that those three are left from the Cooperative and since Hank and Fiona killed Harrison a few years back they were some of the last witch hunters left on their own mission. Them tracking down Cordelia was a coincidence and they used Michigan as a distraction and last night they came all the way back to the coven. Madison suggested to just kill them but Cordelia isn't cruel so she wiped their memories completely and they have no knowledge of each other or their past life and she gave them a second chance somewhere. Ally wondered why Cordelia wasn't also staying with you or checking up on you but she had no idea that Cordelia is. The supreme would go into the room late at night when everyone is asleep and she sits next to you and strokes your head with tears streaming down her face seeing you like this. Cordelia sees Ally asleep on a chair and she gets a blanket and wraps it around the brunette before she goes back to her office. The supreme sits in her office for hours until her body would give up and she falls asleep on the chair her head resting on the table. It has been like this for two days now and you haven't woken up yet. The next morning Ally wakes up only to see you in the same position and she moves closer to you and holds your hand when she suddenly feels your hand pressing hers lightly. ''Y/N?'' Ally almost shouts her heart beating fast. ''Ally'' you mumble and you try to open your eyes but your entire body hurts so you only open them a little bit. ''Baby you are awake, how you are feeling?'' she asks and her hands cup your cheeks. ''I wanna go home Ally'' is all you mumble before falling asleep again the pain too much to handle while being awake. Shortly after Cordelia walks into the bedroom after hearing Ally call your name. ''Is she awake?'' the supreme says and Ally gets up and walks closer to the blonde. ''Yes she was awake for a second and she said she wants to go home?'' Ally says with a bit of hesitation. ''I also have to get back to my son'' Ally says and Cordelia looks at you, then down to the floor and says. ''Okay sure I can take you both home''. Ally walks to the bed and holds your hand and in her other hand she holds Cordelia's. The supreme closes her eyes and next thing you know your body is still in the same position but in Ally's bed back in Michigan. ''Thank you Cordelia'' Ally says and the supreme says ''It's my pleasure, I remembered your bedroom from looking after her once and that's how I was able to teleport here''. Both women look at you and it breaks both their hearts to see you this vulnerable and hurt. ''I need to go back to the girls and the coven'' Cordelia says and looks at Ally. The brunette looks at the supreme surprised and says ''Please don't go'' but Cordelia insists ''I gotta get back to the girls I can't just leave them after an attack like this they need me'' and as she is about to leave Ally grabs her wrist and says ''We need you too, please at least come back?'' and the surprised supreme meets Ally's pleading eyes and whispers ''I promise'' and next thing Ally knows the supreme is gone back at the coven in New Orleans. 

Cordelia Goode x Reader x Ally Mayfair-Richards - Another LoveWhere stories live. Discover now