Spanish Soap Opera

Start from the beginning


(Y/n): I really love your sister. Rayna, she's the love of my life.

Nora: Shut up-

[Doorknob twisting]

Nora: *shoves (Y/n) down and pinned him to the bed*

Rayna: *Gasp* >:O

(Y/n): *Spitting Nora's hair off*

[Latina suspense music]

Rayna: Nora! >:(

Nora: Rayna! >:)

(Y/n): (Y/n). *Looks at the camera and winks*

Rayna: How can you do this to me (Y/n)?!?

(Y/n): It's not what it looks like, it's not, I mean she's pretty hot. She's disgusting. I don't even like her.

Rayna: You're cheating on me with my sister!

(Y/n): Nothing even happened!

(Y/n): I mean i'm down if you're down. Lowkey if you're down. I'm down.

Rayna: It's me or her!

(Y/n): What are-? You of course, i love you-

Nora: *slaps (Y/n)*

(Y/n): Ah, okay, you [Bleep]

Rayna: What?! *slaps (Y/n)*

(Y/n): Ow, okay, I choose me! [Bleep]

Nora: Or does he? *Camera zooms to her* >:)

Rayna: *Camera then zooms to her* >:0

(Y/n): *Comes back to bed with (favorite chips)*

[Latina suspense music]

Nora and Rayna: *Circles around and faces each other*

Rayna: ¡Desgracia! *Slaps Nora*

(Y/n): OHH!

Nora: [Spanish bleep] *Slaps Rayna back*

(Y/n): Ohohoho!

Rayna and Nora: *pulling each others hair*
[Rayna and Nora screaming]

(Y/n): *punching air slightly* Get her!

[More of Rayna and Nora screaming]

~End flashback~

(Y/n): Oh, i remember that now. She's so... *hands imitating details*

(Y/n): Smart. Come on don't be mad. Just come on, look at me. I love you-

Rayna: You love me? You see that we're meant to be.

(Y/n): Okay, whatever.

Rayna: Let's say one word and I promise we'll think of the same one.

(Y/n): Okay, wh- wha- right now?

Rayna: Ready?

Rayna and (Y/n): One, two...

Rayna: Love.

(Y/n): Mikasa Ackerman- Love, l-love.

Rayna: *slaps (Y/n)* Mikasa Ackerman?!

(Y/n): No- no, love.

Rayna: Okay, besides all of these latina [Bleep], the only thing that's against us is my father.

(Y/n): What do you mean? Your dad loves me.

Rayna: My dad hates you!

(Y/n): Are you sur-?

Rayna: Look *looks up and makes (Y/n) look up in unison*

~Best part comes in~

Rayna: Papí, can i be with him?

Isael: Of course.

Rayna: No! Papí! Please!

Isael: Pero niña, I- I'm telling you to freaking be with him!


Isael: I like him too! He's a nice guy!


Isael: I'm not trying.

Isael: I don't wanna separate you!

Rayna: Please don't do this to me! Please. I'm gonna run away.

Isael: You run away with him!

(Y/n): *Sitting there awkwardly*

Isael: Yuko! Bring the holy water!

Rayna: Please!

Isael: What the [Bleep]?

[Rayna screaming]

Isael: YUKOO!

Isael: Be with him!

(Y/n): *terrifiedly concerned*

~End of flashback~

Rayna: You see? I told you.

(Y/n): You act like I'm the only crazy one. What about that crazy guy who is always in love with you?

Andy: Who? Me? *helds Rayna as hostage*

(Y/n): Holy [Bleep].

[More suspense music]

[Camera zoomed into Rayna first then at Andy's]

[Camera zooms into (Y/n)]

(Y/n): 😕
[Funny Mexican music]

(Y/n): What are you? A [Bleep] ninja turtle?

(Y/n): Are you flexing while pointing the gun at her at the same time?

Andy: Yeah bro. Always.

(Y/n): Then why is there an orange thing on that gun?

(Y/n): You know how many Wattpad comments that you're gonna get saying "That's fake"

Andy: If i can't be with her, then nobody can!

(Y/n): Don't point the gun at her. You're freaking me out-

Andy: *Points gun at (Y/n) instead*

(Y/n): Put it back on her. [Bleep].

Rayna: Hey, hey, hey. You love me.

Andy: I love her. *Points the gun back at (Y/n)*

(Y/n): Okay, bros before hoes, come on.

Andy: That's true. *Points the gun back to Rayna*

(Y/n): Bro, come on.

Rayna: I know your mother.

Andy: That's true, she does *Points the gun back at (Y/n) again*

(Y/n): I- i know your mom too! But i probably [Bleep] your mom.

Rayna: What?!? *Pulls the trigger*

(Y/n): *Gets shot*

Rayna: No!

Andy: Rayna! *Give the gun to her, kisses her cheek and ran away*

Rayna: (Y/n)! I'm sorry!

(Y/n): I'm not gonna die, it's just a little thing.

Rayna: I have to tell you something!

(Y/n): What?

Rayna: I'm pregnant!

(Y/n): *Faints*

Rayna: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

(Y/n): Can you stop yelling [Bleep]?

TPN trio x (Y/n) On Crack + Random Vines/Incorrect QuotesWhere stories live. Discover now