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Norman: Bye (Y/n)! Bye Emma! Bye Don! Bye Gilda! Bye Ray! Bye (Y/n)!

Ray: You said "Bye (Y/n)" twice

Norman: I like (Y/n)

Emma: Same.

Gilda: 👀👀👀

Don: *Sipping tea* 👀🍵

Ray: You two aren't not the only one tho *crosses arms and glared at Emma and Norman*

Gilda: *Joins in the tea party* 👀🍵

Don: *Invites everyone at the orphanage to the tea party*

Everyone else: *Sips tea along with Gilda and Don* 👀🍵

TPN trio x (Y/n) On Crack + Random Vines/Incorrect QuotesWhere stories live. Discover now