When the boys come back, they have bags of food. I file all of my papers on the table together and put them on the nightstand instead, to make room for the food. "Hey, is everything okay?", Sebastian asks me. Anthony looks up to listen. I force a smile and nod my head. "Yeah, everything is okay"

"But what about-"

"I'll keep you guys updated if anything happens", I respond, not wanting to stay on this subject. We eat our food and I distract myself by asking Sebastian and Anthony about their day. "One of the cameras broke while filming so we had to reshoot some of the scenes from that angle. It was a mess", Sebastian says as he massages his head. "What a day", Anthony mumbles as he takes a large bite of his food. I laugh as he misses his mouth completely and I tap Sebastian to gain his attention. He looks up and at Anthony, laughing as he hands him some napkins. "I hate you", he says to us as he wipes his mouth. "You love us", I correct him. We finish eating and Anthony goes and rest on his bed. "Hey, come with me on a walk", Sebastian says as he walks up to me. "Seb, I'm not sure-"

"You need to get some fresh air, let's go", he says as he grabs my hand. I call out to Anthony. "We'll be back soon"

"Don't do anything I would do", he yells back. I shake my head and walk out, followed by Sebastian. We decide to walk around the block. "So how's everything with your mom?", he asks me, seriously. I look down at our intertwined hands as they move back and forth as we walk. "Honestly, I don't know. My stepdad called me again, and said she's gotten worse since he last called me this afternoon"

"So what are you guys going to do now?"

"Well, I reschedule her appointment for her mammogram so it's earlier than it was supposed to be", I say as we turn right. The sun was setting now and the sky was painted pastel colors. It was beautiful. "Wait, you don't think she has...", his voice drifts off. I look at him and he's already looking back at me, worry in his eyes. I nod my head. "But how can you be sure?"

"I've had family members who have had it. Doesn't seem so far fetched that now she can have it too", I say as I look down. Sebastian stops walking and I'm tugged backwards. He doesn't say anything as he hugs me tight. "She's going to be okay, Talia. I'm here for you, okay?". I nod my head as I hug him tighter. "Talia?", I laugh as we pull away. We start walking again as he grabs my hand, interlocking our hands once more. "Thought it was a cute nickname", he shrugs as he laughs. "I like it", I smile as my face heats up. I was the worst at accepting compliments. I never knew what to do or how to act when I received one.

"So, I was thinking for our date, instead of going to that restaurant I told you about, we can go somewhere else. While we were shooting our scenes today, I found this restaurant a few blocks away", he smiles. I watch as he talks and I can't help but smile at how invested he is in the things he talks about. The way his face lights up and the way his eyes crinkle when he laughs. It was the little things that were so beautiful to me. "I'll take your word for it. I don't mind where we go, as long as I'm with you", I say. His smile grows and I start to laugh as I retract what I said. "I'm sorry, that sounded super cheesy". I cover my face with my hands as I turn my face away from him. I let go of his hand and slightly jog ahead of him. "Why do I have to be so awkward?", I yell as I look up at the sky. Sebastian's laugh echos behind me as he chases after me.

"Wait, I need to stop, I'm getting a cramp", I breathe as I place my hands on my knees. "You barely ran!", Sebastian exclaims. I give him a look and he playfully rolls his eyes. "I don't train every day like you guys do", I comment. I see Sebastian thinking and his eyes suddenly widen. "Oh no, I know that look", I start to say as I back away from him. "Let me train you"

"What? No way!", I wave my hands around dramatically. He grabs me by my waist so I'm closer to him. "It'll be fun! The other day you told me you wanted to start training and gain some muscle. I'm no expert but I can help you", he says enthusiastically. He was right, I did say I wanted to try and get fit again. "Okay, fine! But we start off slow. I don't need high intensity workouts right away"

"Baby steps", he adds. I nod my head. "Baby steps"

We head back to the hotel after a quick coffe run. Sebastian holds the donuts and I carry the tray with our coffees. When we get to our room Anthony sits up and he smiles when he sees the donuts. "Maybe we should have got two dozen donuts instead of one", I say to Sebastian. Anthony takes the box out of my hands and opens it. "Wait!", I say. "What?"

"Let's put our pyjamas on before we have dessert", I say. Anthony gives me a look. "Seriously?"

"I'm homesick, okay? It's what I used to do when I slept over at my mom's house. We used to always change back into our pyjamas when we sat down for the night and had coffee", I smile as I reach into my luggage to grab my clothes. I see Anthony's face relax and he smiles. Sebastian kisses my cheek and goes to grab his pyjamas. They get changed in the room while I go into the bathroom. I sigh in relief as the warmth and comfort of the material hugs my body. I neatly fold my clothes and place them back in my luggage. "Can we eat now?", Anthony asks as he shows me his pyjamas. I laugh and nod my head. We bring the donuts and coffee to the couch and we find a movie on TV to watch.

"When do you guys have days off?", I ask them as I bite into my donut. "We work all week and then have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off". I nod my head. Sebastian told me earlier that filming in Atlanta was going to be more hectic because it's where the bulk of filming takes place. The goal was to complete filming in the shortest amount of time as possible but still get a perfect Marvel production. Because production had been delayed more than once, they wanted to speed up the process because they were behind. "We're going on our date on Saturday", Sebastian says as he smiles at me. "Bring me back some dessert", Anthony interrupts. I roll my eyes as I hand him another donut.

"What should I wear? Is it casual or fancy?", I ask him as I mentally prepare outfits. "Whatever you wear, you'll look beautiful. But if you feel more comfortable, the restaurant is a little in between. Not too simple, and not too fancy. A perfect combination", he answers. I ruffle his hair and Anthony gags beside us. I grab the pillow and throw it at him. "I'm going to bed, I'll see you guys in the morning", I laugh as I get up. I kiss Sebastian on the head and hug Anthony, walking into the other room where the beds were.

I pull the covers over me and fluff my pillow, letting my head rest on it. I sigh and close my eyes, hoping that tomorrow was going to be a better day.


The first episode of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier was incredible. I was already crying within the first few minutes of it though. Also, I just really want to give Bucky a hug because he's been through so much and he deserves the world. And Joaquin Torres already has my heart. He's precious. And man oh man, Sam looks damn good. I'm so happy we finally get to understand their characters better. Also, the last scene of the episode made me so incredibly angry. If you saw it, you know what I'm talking about.

I just wanted to say thank you for all the support. Can't believe how quickly this book is gaining attention. It genuinely makes me so happy!

- Sabrina

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