"semi I'm staying the night... I'm gonna go upstairs"

"sure. take the first room to your right." he said and I nodded.

I took my bags and walked up to the room. I opened the door and put down my bags near the bed. looking up, I saw y/n sleeping peacefully on the bed, hugging the covers and a big pillow.

oh to be a pillow

I turned around and quietly walked downstairs. semi was now sitting on the couch watching TV, with the volume low since it was night already.

s-"semi.." I approached him and stood beside him.

"yeah? what's up?" he said, not taking his eyes off the TV.

"that was y/n's room" I stated the obvious, grabbing his attention.

"i don't have any other rooms... you can sleep on the floor if you're uncomfortable" he said, now facing me and I stood there to think for a second.

"will she mind if I slee-"

"we both know she won't mind you sleeping on her bed." he cut me off.

"right... I'm gonna go now..." I nodded and started to walk upstairs again but he stopped me.

"don't sleep with your practice uniform on. I think y/n still has your t-shirt somewhere in her closet so just wear that if you want" I looked down and saw I was, indeed wearing my volleyball clothes.

I nodded at him, walking up the stairs to y/n's room. I closed the door as quietly as I could and took a pair of sweatpants from my bag.

"nugget please don't wake up now" I whispered to myself as I took off my clothes, leaving me in my black boxers.

I quickly put my sweatpants on and started rummaging through her closet.

"hmmmm who's there?" y/n opened her eyes, still half asleep.

"it's just me nugget don't worry." I reassure her and turn around so she can see my face.

"oh... why are you- oh my" her eyes were scanning my stomach area.

to be honest have no idea what she was looking at. I mean yeah I have abs... they weren't that noticeable but they were there.

a strong blush appeared on her face and I quickly put my hands on my torso, trying to cover up.

"shoot uhhh no. nugget. don't stare at me" I said and she chuckled, lifting her body up with her elbows.

y-"why are you naked?" she said half asleep, slowly blinking.

"I can't find that shirt I gave you..." her eyebrows shot up and she opened her eyes, letting out a yawn before talking.

"I'm wearing it sorry... wait I'll give it to you" her hands searched for the end of the shirt under the covers and she slowly pulled it up to take it off.

I rushed over to her before she could expose further than her stomach and grabbed her hands, stopping her.

"NO. no, it's ok... now come on you still owe me those cuddles" I released her hands from my grip and she pulled the shirt back down.

"you're sleeping here?" she laid down and closed her eyes.

"yeah duh"

her eyes still closed, y/n lifted the covers up so I can get in. she was wearing my shirt, paired with some short boxer briefs and knee high socks.

nugget you have no idea what you're doing to me right now...

my face turned a light shade of red. I got under the covers and y/n turned her body so she would be little spoon.

she kept moving to get comfortable, getting closer and her behind hitting me with every move. she sudently moved forward, out of my embrace and sleepily talked.

"calm your dick" she said. I didn't realize until she mentioned it, but I was... aroused.

some time later I felt y/n turn to face me. when she opened her eyes she flinched, causing her to almost fall off the bed but i was quick to catch her.

"what's wrong?"

"i forgot you're fucking shirtless" she chuckled, staying a bit away from me.

"y/n go to sleep" I turned serious and saw her slightly frown, closing her eyes and falling asleep.

time passed by and i was about to fall asleep when y/n moved closer to me, wrapping her hands and legs around my body.

"y/n... nugget?" she was already asleep.

she gave me a tight squeeze and a faint murmur escaped her lips. I caressed her hair and she adjusted her body. her face was close to mine, slightly looking up and her relaxed body was hugging mine rather tightly.

I wrapped and arm around her waist, pulling her even closer. her lips looked soft, although they had small cuts on them, slightly bleeding from biting them too much. she really needs to stop biting her lips damn.

don't kiss her

don't kiss her

don't kiss her

I give up

aiming for her cheek, I leaned in and ended up placing a soft, long lasting peck on the corner of her mouth.

I kept my lips on her skin, enjoying every second of the almost-kiss until I felt her lips slowly curve up into a smile and thinking she woke up, I quickly backed away.

i poked her cheek a couple of times to make sure she was asleep and grabbed my phone. I took a few quick pics, making sure the smile was clear on her face and turned my phone off.

she snuggled her head into my collarbone and I placed my head on top of hers. I gave her a quick kiss on the top of her head and hugged her tightly, slowly falling asleep in her arms.


I'm gonna cry this is cute what the fuck



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