The game was simple: 9 card on the table, the stark of card on Blaise's hand, and all you have to do is guess if the one he's going to pull is higher or lower than the one on the table.

We had vodka diluted with pineapple juice, with the purpose of not being drunk already.

"I'm going to get myself a drink, I'll be back". Once the game was over, I needed a glass of water to take all this sugar out of my mouth.

I liked this mood: the night had fall, light were playing on the ceiling, people are dancing while others played games.

I grabbed a glass and pour some water in it, when I suddenly felt a presence behind me.

"I must admit, I don't regret coming to the party" Mattheo's voice was deep. I immediately turned to face him.

"Oh, and why's that ?" I asked. He was towering me, a lot, I felt so little. Then he stares at my boobs and then my ass.

I give him a punch on the shoulders " Oh shut up if you don't want me to punch you"

"It's a bit short, don't you think-" he was mocking me and I didn't like it "I wasn't aware you were trying to fuck every boys in this party tonight, I though you were more, discret"

I was boiling inside. Did he just call me a slut ?

"Do you mind if I do ?" I said with a smile playing on my lips.

"Of course not, have fun, while I'm in your list"

I approach his ear ( I was literally on the tips of my toes) and I gently said,

"I generally fuck with guys that can actually make me cum", I withdraw and watched the smile on his lips disappear slowly, replaced by anger.

Oh I was proud, and it felt so good. But he wanted to play and I wasn't going to stop there. I pulled up a little bit my dress up my ass, only a few millimeters and I let one of the strap fall down on my shoulder, all this while staring at Mattheo through the crowd.

And I started dancing, making movement with my ass so he would be at his summon. I wasn't doing this for him, oh no, I was doing this so he can see me half naked, dancing in the middle of douzaine of students, boys mainly.

This was fun to do. And for about five minute it stayed like this: him watching me dancing with urge need to kill me.

Vodka was starting to make my head fell dizzy and with the music that came along, I felt like the fucking main character.

But then I saw him come toward me. Shortly after he put his glass, Mattheo headed in my direction. And when we were only a few centimeters away he grabbed my arm,

"Time to go cinderella"

wait wait wait, of course not, the game had barely started.

"I'm sorry, are you my father-?" I leaned and whispered "I don't think you are"

"Let's.go" he was furious has hell, he squeezed my arm a bit more ,

"Wow, chill out, daddy" and I think he snapped at that moment since he pulled me with strength out of the crowd.

I didn't want to make a scene so I said nothing and wanted for us to be far from people. But he didn't just move away from the center, he pulled me out the common room so that we were in the corridor.

"What the fuck-" I was cut by him. He pinned me in the cold wall behind me as soon as the door close back.

Again he had his hand around my neck, and he was towering me.

"What the hell was that Y/N !", he finally said, furious. I could see he was and this reaction could only meant one thing.

But he was so out of the line that I didn't know what to do or say anymore. It wasn't in his right to threat me like that, but you know what, maybe I liked it.

I was starting to be out of breath but he seemed to see it since he let me go, taking a step away from me.

One of my hand grabbed my neck slowly to ease the pain, and I just stare at him. He looked like if his girlfriend had cheated on him.

After long seconds, his eyes went to place below my belly.

"Put your dress back properly" Mattheo ordered me with his deep voice, still angry.

"What if I don't want to ?"

"Y/N, don't tempt me" he moved a bit closer and was against the wall again, no escape.

"Oh yes ? and what is the big bad Mattheo is going to do to me is I don't ?" I knew I was playing with fire.

Suddenly, he brought himself closer to me, and I immediatly got scared and tackled myself on the wall. I could see he was holding back his anger, from hitting me.

His chest rose rashly, and his eyes were now in mine. I felt so vulnerable, so little. Was it weird that I liked it ? I think I liked being in this situation, even though he was hurting me everyday.

"Don't.tempt me" he didn't have to say it once more, since I did what he asked, as humiliating as it was. My eyes didn't leave his.


And butterflies ran through my all body.

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