Prologue 000

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It was a sunny summers day in the year 1971 and Jordyn Potter was peacefully sitting on a bench writing a song with only her and her guitar while her brother James was playing on the swing set and parents making sure he doesn't hurt himself.

"So go have fun. I really couldn't care less. And you can give 'em my best, but just know. I'm not your friend. Or anything, damn. You think that you're the man. I think, therefore, I am. I'm not your friend. Or anything, damn. You think that you're the man." She looked up and saw a man come up to her clapping along with her parents and brother.

"Wow. That was amazing" He praised her while she turned a dark shade of pink. "I've never seen so much talent from someone that young."

Her father came up to her. "She gets it from me." Fleamont said while singing in an off tune pitch jokingly.

Everyone stared at him blankly before bursting out laughing.

The unknown man turned back to her. "Why let all that talent go to waste when you can put it to good use?"

"What do you mean?" Jordyn squeaked.

"Oh how silly of me." He said while sticking his hand out. "Jaden Smith. American music director."

She shook his hand while saying "So you could work with me to create music?"

"Of course Ms Jordyn Potter"

"Wait a minute. How do you know our daughters name?" Spoke a concerned Euphemia.

"A wizard never tells his secrets" He answered with a wink.

"Ooooh" They all chorused.

"Please mum. Please dad. Let me work with him." She pleaded.

"But what about your schooling?" Her mum sighed.

Jaden spoke up "She could always go to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry"

After a lot of back and forth convincing, they agreed and that's when Jordyn's celebrity life began...

A/N: Thank you for reading the first official chapter of CELEBRITY. Sorry if it isn't that good but I promise you my writing skills will get better.

324 words

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