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Whoa, this is weird. 'Where am I' was the first thing Peter Said when he woke up. As people usually do when waking up in an unfamiliar environment.

The sick feeling he'd had before was gone, but so was Mr. Stark. Ohhh right, he'd been snapped away to wherever he was now. Something moved in the corner of his eye, it was Dr. Strange. Oh thank the gods he wasn't alone! "Mr. Strange?"

Dr. Strange looks over his shoulder searching for whoever said his name. "Ah Peter, good to see you're awake."

"Uhm, Mr. Strange? Where are we?" Peter asks nervously, looking around for any signs of familiarity.
He, in fact did not see anything familiar, which was starting to freak him out even more.

"I'm not sure, but we can worry later on. Let's go, it's been 5 years and they need us." Dr. Strange says, to which he receives a confused look from Peter.

Then he starts moving his arm in a circulair motion, and through the holes Peter and Dr. Strange could see a battle raging.

Stepping through the circle was one of the weirdest things he'd ever experienced, and he was freaking Spider-Man. Looking around him he saw other portals open and the people and gods and aliens who stepped out them, were ready for a fight.

Woooowww I actually freaking updated this story. Don't we love losing motivation right after one very short chapter:) anywayyyy, hope you enjoyed cuz this is very bad. Now I need to watch end game for the battle lets cryyyyy

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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