"What if some fans of yours or any friend took photo of us--I am just being careful" she said

"Will it be okay if I introduce you to them as my friend?" I said, but it hurts me so much, making this relationship in a very very low and top secret one is the most difficult job in the whole wide world. But I know she will understand, I want her to be safe all the time.

"That---is---a---good idea!" Alison smiled and gave me a kiss and stood up and walked away, I don't know if she was disappointed or what..

I followed Alison to where was she was ever going, I followed her and found myself on her bedroom, the guestroom..

"What are you doing?" I asked her

"Looking for a dress?" she said

"Just a simple one may do" I said to her "you're beautiful without trying" she smiled at me

"Thank you Harry" she planted a kiss on my cheek

The time came fast and we got ready for tonights party, as I have promised Alison, I got her a separate car to the club.

"Just be careful" I guided her to the car, she's grown too so much, she's on those beige high heels and a blue above knee dress on which she wore a coat over it, her curly hair did perfectly on her.

"Thank you love" she said kissing me

"I'll see you there" I closed the door of the car and went to take my ride to the club

We reach the club and I went inside greeting everyone and as expected, paps were very present, crowding the entrance, good thing I gave a queue to the back door security, I got to the spot where I and the boys usually hang out, I found Perrie and Zayn who was surprisingly there too sitting with Eleanor and Sophia sporting some cocktail mix and I gave each one a friendly gesture, I found Niall, Louis and Liam getting some drink, I gave each one a bro fist..I found my phone and texted Alison as I get myself a seat beside the boys.

"Where are you?" I texted Alison

"I am making my way" she replied

As I read her text she was already there, tapping my shoulder, she was a bit shy..Niall

gave her a cheek to cheek gesture, Louis and Liam did the same

"Alison, how are you?" Niall said in his Irish accent

"I am so fine Niall"

"You looked gorgeous tonight" Liam said, and Louis seemed to be checking her

"Oh-thanks!" she blushed

We had few Q and A's until I decided to excuse ourselves to make our way to the girls who was currently joined by Zayn.

"Hi!" Eleanor quickly stood up as she recognized us, she gave both of us a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek, Sophia, Perrie and Zayn did that too. Very Casual.

We both took a seat beside them, we had talks until the three boys joined us and getting drunk..a bit...

"Let's dance!" Perrie got Alison's hand and the girls made their way to the dancefloor, I can't help but look at them, I know Alison's still in a worry, but I know she would enjoy the company of those girls.

I sat there with the boys and observing everybody, Louis who was far out...a bit drunk was the usual one who practically made fun of each one of us. We had group chats..the music was very very loud which caused us to be in our heads together like a football team and a coach..

The girls went back beside us and joined in the group chat, we're like a group of people who had a very very deep but casual discussion, I can say we have very very many things to discuss, when the music slowed down a bit, letting in something more like a love song..

When I heard the music played something like sweet, I decided to excuse myself and stood up, and traced my way to Alison who was was sitting a few people from me, she was beside Sophia who she was sharing something from her phone, I lend her my hand

"Let's dance?" she looked up at me and she seemed surprised

"Oh--Harry, of course!" she said standing up and taking my hand. Cheesy.

I can't dance but I asked her to dance with me, what am I doing? I got her by her waist and she wrapped her arms around my neck, everyone in our group followed suit, Louis and El, Perrie and Zayn being intimate, Liam and Sophia and Niall on his feet and got some of our security to dance with, we laughed when we saw him, he's still single..

"Are you having fun?" I whispered at Alison who was laughing over Niall's madness

"I am" she smiled sweetly at me, I can say we're the same height, maybe because of those high heels she's wearing right now.

We both swayed as the music played, she embraced me as we swung into the music, it was very romantic and cheesy at the same time, probably. Few more songs we danced to, it was really really the night! I enjoyed a lot, this night. Epic.

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