Guilt of heart

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"Well I can tell ya my boy, adapting to the jungle isn't as easy as Tarzan makes it seem" Professor said

"Very funny professor" Kristoff answered sarcastically

"Ouh c'mon Kris. This alwas helped me when I'm in a bad mood" Terk said as she jumped from viens to vine in order to keep pace "Well other than eating bugs yummy!"she adds as she follows them

"If I didn't get used to this, I would've called out on your manners Terk" Jane told the blue gorilla who laughed in response

Anna's dress got a bit torn in the process but luckily not too much

Tarzan on all four took her with him later atop the tree house

They were looking on the forest from above under the calm, night sky. It was beautiful, the sky was clear with stars beaming all around it.

It was rather awkward as Anna remembered who she is sitting with.

"Anna..."Tarzan said

"Do you...hate me?" Tarzan asked

Anna then turned to face him, baffled and confused

"W-what? N-no of course I don't" Anna said

"You were avoiding me for some time" Tarzan said "It' not hard for me to understand that"

"It's not that I hate you Tarzan"

"Then explain, I will listen"

Anna turns to the sky, shaing her head "I did tell you all that we have a strange of or own right?" She said with smile

"But what I didn't tell you was that we didn't alway had happy memories. When I was born, I was born a princess. You could really imagine how careless I was. Me, Elsa, our parents...and our people, everything was going perfectly"

'What were they like?" Tarzan asked

"Mother and father?" Anna said

Tarzan solemnly nods

"Kind, loving, a bit strict especialyl mother. But the were alway trying to do the right thing for me and Elsa...and they did so to the end it seems." she said as she looked at Tarzan

"You look alot like our father really" Anna said

Tarzan and Anna share a smile

"But I don't understand why where they stranded here?"

Anna looks just as curious

"I don't know. Me and my...I mean our sister Elsa were playing many times in our childhood like I said, and one time I got carried away and she nearly freeze me. Elsa was isolated after that for a few years alone, and then mother and father traveled to find out the answer to her magic..."

Tarzan looked down sad

"They shipwrecked... and we thought they died in the ocean." Anna said "But how did they end here? And if they were alive, could we save them?"

"You blame yourself for what happened? Aren't you?" Tarzan said concerningly

"It's because of me that Elsa was kept locked,my own sister and becasue of why my parents risked their lives...and..."

Anna stopped before looking at Tarzan before continuing "and now I learn that I have a brother who nearly lost his own life, and lived without me"

Tarzan eyes wide as he realised "Anna you were very young, you couldn't have known it would turn out like this"

Anna didn't respond

"I blamed myself too for what happened that day in the tree house. I know I was a child couldn't help but they died to protect me." Tarzan explained

Anna simply but saddened responded with "Oh I'm sorry, I almost forgot that you were there when that happened"

"And I was crying, I didn't know what's goign on. My adoptive mother Kala saved me. Anna what happened happened to them and us...we can't change that"

"Yeah I know" Anna agreed

"I'm happy to meet you now though. I love gorillas that raised me, but I never knew much about my original family other than the shipwreck. I hope to meet Elsa too" Tarzan said

"And I'd like to meet Kala too" Anna replies to her brother

Tarzan was glad to hear that and afterwards Tarzan suggested to go back inside but Anna said they can be there for a few more minutes

And so they did while the other watched from below

"Should we? Terk asked

"No, let's just give them some time" Jane said firmly

Kristoff nods as did Professor

*I kinda lack ideas so if you have some, do share. Also tarzan was clayton, greystoke and so there is nothing bad in him being an arendellian. Quite dissapointed that this connection fic isn't deservingly credited, also there's not much of it which is bother as well. Hope to inspire anyone with this*

Anna's familyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon