1. The Assignment

Start from the beginning

"So what's the assignment, exactly, Chief?" Mako chimed in.

"The story is," said Lin, "Follow Korra around for a few weeks and get the scoop on her life. I want a rich, enthralling, salt-water smelling story of a young woman who gained and lost it all before she was old enough to drink. And I want to know what she found on that sea ride around the globe."

It was 1993. Newspapers and travel magazines were thriving and funding for longform pieces abundant, usually...

Lin continued: "Now, normally, I would send the both of yous out there – Asami writing, and Mako on photo. But funding is a little tight, especially since it's a longer piece. So that means I can only send one person to cover the story. Which of you wants it?"

Mako and Asami fidgeted and Asami's chest tightened. She knew this type of story would be right up Mako's alley, though he was a shit writer.

"I'd be honored to take on the story, Beifong – I mean Chief Beifong, Ma'am," Mako said. "I used to swim in high school, and of course I recognize Korra."

Lin raised an eyebrow and turned toward Asami. "And you?"

Asami nodded. "Of course, Chief. I'd love to take it. It'd be a really meaningful assignment." She didn't have any other accolades to add, except that she grew up with an Olympic-sized swimming pool in her house, a fact she'd rather kept to herself.

Lin rubbed her chin and looked from Mako to Asami, Asami to Mako. They were both hardworking and talented, Mako coming from nothing and having to work extra hard to be something, and Asami constantly battling her father's shadow and the fact that she's a woman in a man's world in this day and age. Even so, it had diddly squat to do with her talent and potential for a page turner.

Lin angled the photo of her wife*, Kya, on her desk toward her, a habit when she had to make hard decisions.

"Mako," said Lin.

Mako perked up. "Yeah?"

Asami nearly deflated where she stood.

Lin continued: "Show Asami how to use the SLR – I'm sending her."

Asami's eyes lit up and she wanted to lunge across Lin's desk and hug her, but she remembered Mako and held in her excitement as best she could.

Mako's face turned red, flustered. "Got it, Chief. Although, I told you I was a swimmer, right?"

"You did. But I need someone who can establish a good rapport with Korra too, get her to open up. Mako, you're not exactly the friendliest. Also, you take beautiful photos, but this one needs a strong writer. And that's Asami's domain."

"Got it," Mako seethed. He crossed his arms and pouted a little. 

Lin rolled her eyes. "Don't worry Kid, I got something special for you too."

Asami patted Mako's shoulder affectionately. He squeezed her hand gently and smiled at Asami.

Meantime, Lin came around her desk and handed Asami the manila folder. "Get to work. She already knows you're coming. You'll leave as soon as you're ready – and you better be ready soon. Mako, set her up with an SLR from the photog department."

Asami nodded: "Thank you Chief, so much. You won't be sorry."

"That's right, I won't be." Lin closed the door behind Mako and Asami as they left.

"Congrats on the assignment," Mako said in his best, most sincere voice.

"Thanks, no hard feelings?"

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