Chapter 20: Affection

Start from the beginning

We all laughed and kept talking like we were a bunch of friends at a sleepover. We had had a long and confusing night, so this was a relief. All this happiness felt good. I wanted it to last forever. 

Sadly, it didn't.

"Well, aren't we having fun?" Deku's voice echoed in the room, killing the conversation instantly. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. I just figured Katsuki's spent enough time in the canon universe, now hasn't he?"

Canon? Why is it called the canon universe?  "TOK's universe?" I clarified, shouting into the room.

"Yes... if TOK stands for 'The Other Katsuki'. Besides... wouldn't you like to see your boyfriend again?" He chuckled.

I did want to see him again. Badly. "Yes! Bring him back!" I demanded.

"Oh, alright. I only ask for one thing in return:" He took a breath and said, "Kirishima Eijiro. I have a favor to ask of you. When Universus arrives to switch the Katsukis, he will hand you a slip of paper with the favor on it. You mustn't tell anyone about it, not even your friends. If you do, I'll kill anyone who knows. And don't ever assume I can't see or hear anything you do." he left us on an ominous note and his voice faded from the room.

In a few minutes, Universus appeared at the building. Behind him was a young girl with wild blonde hair and cat-like eyes. Sero saw the girl and leaped into a fighting stance.

"You!" Sero roared, "Don't think I've forgotten what you did!" He held up his prosthetic arms, "And don't you say you've forgotten, girl!" I'd never seen Sero so angry. It was alarming.

"Hmmm?" She tilted her head, "Who are you?"

A vein popped in Sero's forehead and he started screaming threats, running toward her. I managed to grab him, and with Uraraka's help, we restrained him. "Calm down, Sero. That's in the past!" I told him, struggling to hold him down. "Calm down!" I wouldn't have been surprised if he started foaming at the mouth. Veins were popping out of his neck and forehead and he was screaming. His eyes were practically popping out of his skull and his arms and legs were flying as he kicked and thrashed. 

Universus sighed deeply and held up his hand, "Where's this 'Bakugo'?"

TOK walked up from behind us and stopped in front of him. I was surprised he was doing what the villain told him to. First, however, he made sure to keep his priorities straight and he kicked his toe hard into Universus's crotch. Universus's eyes bulged and he slammed his knees together. He bit his lip like he just ate something really sour and doubled over.

"Tch. Weak." TOK scoffed, "That was hardly a tap."

Universus held his hand up and weakly squeaked, "...Can you please... put your head... on my... hand...?"

TOK groaned and knelt down. He plopped his head in the villain's webby hand and this time, yellow light shone from his hand. It contrasted the violet light from earlier, probably because it was undoing the switch.

The light faded away and in TOK's place was Katsuki. My Katsuki. I let go of Sero and ran over to him. I tackled him to the floor and cried, "Katsukiiiiiii!" I wrapped my arms tight around him and cuddled him, "Oh my god, Ka-tsu-ki!!!" I pushed my forehead against his and our hair sifted together.

"Eijiro!" He gasped, "Eiji!" He smiled happily, hugging me too. At first, I kissed him sweetly, then slipped my top lip between his lips and kissed a little harder. His metal fingers drew lines and shapes on my back and combed through my hair. I introduced my tongue and so did he. I didn't know how much I missed him until I could kiss him again. We separated our lips for a quick breath before kissing each other again. He had tilted his head to kiss me better and I leaned into him, breathing his breath. I was soon sitting on his lap, pushing him into a wall.

"Geez, get a room," The girl villain scoffed.

I pulled away from his lips and a string of saliva bridged our tongues before splitting. His face was red and his eyes fluttered open. He licked his lips and smiled just a little bit. I did too before I got off his lap and helped him to his feet.

"We have a room," Katsuki said to the villain, "You're just in it."

Uraraka and Sero gawked at us. Sero seemed to have forgotten his malice toward blondie and simply stared in disbelief. "You started dating what, 2 hours ago? What was that?!" He shrieked, his voice a couple of octaves above his normal.

"I-I didn't know you two were so..." Uraraka started, but her voice trailed off. 

I shyly laughed, holding Katsuki's hand. He held it back. I missed his metal hands so much! They're so manly! I thought to myself.

"Kirishima Eijiro," Universus, still recovering from TOK's kick, said through clenched teeth. "Here." He held up a folded piece of paper, his arm shaking.

The favor. I accepted it and noticed it was shut like an envelope. Clever. That way, only I could open it because of my quirk. I hardened my index finger and slit the paper seam. I peeked at the words, studying them and memorizing them. Then, I folded the paper back up and shoved it in my pocket.

"Are you done?" The girl villain yawned, "Cuz I wanna go home. I didn't get to do a-ny-thingggg!!!" She groaned.

"Yeah," Universus strained, "We can go back now. That was all." He slung his arm over Blondie's shoulder and limped out the door.

Blondie stopped in the doorway and turned to face us. "Oh yeah. One more thing. Baku-baka. You'll be talking with Deku later today. Or, per se, he'll be talking to you," She told him, then kept going out the door. "Just thought you'd like to know."

Once they were fully gone, Katsuki told us, "I was just at the most amazing place."

"Kirishima's mouth?"

"Oh, shut it, Tapeface." He snapped. He sighed and continued, "I was in a different universe. UA was still standing, Todoroki was alive, everyone had their natural quirks, and... Izuku was a hero." He beamed but didn't notice. The three of us did, though. "He was at UA and was apparently one of the school's best heroes. He was friends with Todoroki, and Glasses, and Frog-girl, and you," he looked at Uraraka. "I think the you from that universe even had a crush on him."

Her face grew long and her expression cold. "That bastard doesn't deserve my affection! He killed one of my best friends." Her voice was serious and gravelly.

"What else?" Sero asked Katsuki.

He sat down heavily and sighed. "...I was still the same fucking jerk I was..." he muttered shamefully, hiding behind his transparent hands, "At least, from what I heard, I sucked."

"You... kinda did," I agreed, "But that's not you." I knelt down in front of him, took his hands down, and held them. "This is you. Right here. The you right here is the only you." I smiled at him as brightly as I could, "And this is all you need to be."

"Thaaaat's right," Sero mocked, his eyes half-mast and his chin on his hands, "All you need to be is Kirishima's pacifier."

"He's not a baby," Katsuki glared at him.

"He could be your baby~!" Sero grinned.

Katsuki was about to get mad, so I stepped up to one knee and kissed his cheek. I whispered to him, "I would love that." 

When I met his eyes again, he blushed just slightly. Then the sun came out from behind the clouds and shone golden light through the off-white tarps that hung over the windows by the eastern wall. The light made everything so beautifully tender. The golden light from beyond the window washed the room in a warm, sweet emotion. That emotion, that tender affection, wasn't to last though, because the folded paper in my pocket said otherwise.

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