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It was the next day at school,I wasn't looking forward to it considering I was mad at the boys,I woke up regardless and showered,brushed out my blonde hair and put on a little makeup,then I wore a white cropped top and a pink skirt

It was the next day at school,I wasn't looking forward to it considering I was mad at the boys,I woke up regardless and showered,brushed out my blonde hair and put on a little makeup,then I wore a white cropped top and a pink skirt

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Once I was ready I walked outside and got on the bus with Daniel since he threw away his bike,when we got to school I hugged him goodbye since my next class didn't have him in it

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Once I was ready I walked outside and got on the bus with Daniel since he threw away his bike,when we got to school I hugged him goodbye since my next class didn't have him in it.
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I walked into science and sat at my table,and before I could react all the cobra Kai boys where sitting next to me "hey Briella listen were very very sorry about what happened" Johnny told me,I looked up in their eyes,they all looked genuinely sorry and guilty "fine,but please just leave Daniel be now" I told them,they'd agreed "so Bobby where are you taking me tomorow" I asked him looking right at him, before he could awnser Dutch interrupted "why? Is this boy taking our little sister on a date?" Dutch said while putting his arm around me as tommy put another around me "yeah Bobby you Trying to date our little sister?" Tommy asked him smirking,the boys apart from Bobby considered me their little sister,and they where clearly protective "you hurt her brown,your dead meat" Johnny said pointing a finger at Bobby, "boys calm down,he's not gonna hurt me" I said calmly,we continued class joking and laughing completely ignoring what the teacher was saying
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Finally it was time for my date with Bobby,I put on a flowery dress

˚ ༘ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄˚ ೃ࿔₊I walked into science and sat at my table,and before I could react all the cobra Kai boys where sitting next to me "hey Briella listen were very very sorry about what happened" Johnny told me,I looked up in their eyes,they all look...

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And walked downstairs where he was going to meet me,he was waiting on his motorcycle when I got there "wow you look amazing" he said looking me up and down, "not to bad yourself brown" i said jokingly,he laughed and put the helmet on my head "what about you?" I questioned, "don't worry about me princess" he told me,I blushed under the helmet as we sped off to golf n stuff.
• the date is inspired by Sam and Miguel's date in cobra Kai•
when we arrived we started golfing,I cheated and picked up the ball putting it in the hole,Bobby laughed and teased that I was shorter than the golfing stick,I shoved him playfully before walking to the arcade,we played a bunch of games and Bobby got a lot of tickets,we ran up to the counter "I want that one" I said pointing at a fluffy bunny stuffed animal,Bobby reached up and grabbed it,later we where sitting outside,I was drinking a milkshake and he was eating a pretzel, "so,are you any good at karate?" I asked him smirking, "well,my sensei says I'm one of the best students" he told me, "really?" I asked, shocked "no way you don't beleive me!" He said amused "well no I just-" "stand up" he said smiling, "ok..?" I said while standing up, he got me into a general fighting position,he put his hands on my waist to turn me "putting your hands on my waist?" I asked teasingly "well no I'm just?" He got confused and I laughed, "ok now it's really hard so don't feel bad if you can't-" he was cut off by me flipping him over onto the ground and climbing over him, "holy shit how did you do that?" He asked "my dads literally your sensei" I told him laughing,he was about to say something but I did something crazy,I kissed him,immediately he kissed back and we kissed for like 10 seconds before pulling away, "do you want to- be my girlfriend?" He asked me smiling like an idiot "yeah,I do" I said kissing him again,I heard cheers behind us and I looked back to see Johnny,tommy,Dutch and Jimmy a little behind us behind an arcade game, "oh my god you guys are so annoying" I said laughing while holding Bobby's hand "well you finally got the courage to ask her out Bobby" Dutch said laughing,we all laughed at him.
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Once the date was over I was super tired,Bobby gave me a ride home on the back of his motorcycle,I was so tired I fell asleep on his back,as I was falling asleep I heard him whisper "yeah get some rest angel,I'll bring you home",i smiled slightly to myself hearing that,when we got to my place I got off,Bobby pulled me into him by my waist and kissed me,I kissed back and we kissed for a while until we had to pull away for air, "goodnight Bobby" I told him smiling, "goodnight angel" he whispered,I walked inside smiling the whole time as I drifted off to sleep.

𝐴𝑁𝐺𝐸𝐿𝐼𝐶 ~ Bobby brown x ocWhere stories live. Discover now