35. What It Looks Like - ✭ Boston ✭

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, you have no idea. I was really surprised to find out everything through Monica's dad."

"I thought he was fucking with me until I saw the two of you together on her social media." I purse my lips and think about her most recent picture. I'm sure her brother would not be a fan of that picture. "You know Monica isn't wild and crazy. She doesn't make decisions on a whim. Not until she met you." He clasps my shoulder in a firm pointed manner, "does she understand why you are the way you are?"

"And what way is that?" He removes his grip and gestures to the room around us. "Oh that... uhm."

"You should tell her. It's only fair for her to know." I nod at him because he's not wrong.  "She clearly cares about you a lot. She wouldn't have done all the crazy shit she's done since she's met you if she didn't."

Fuck. He doesn't even know the half of it.

"I care about her a lot too. I just don't like being seen as only this." I gesture in the same fashion he had. "I'm more than a poster child for heart disease."

"Too right." An older man signals for Jamie to join him. "Well, I've got to be off. It was nice to meet you. Don't break my sister's heart or I'll break your face. Cheers!" He turns around directly, without another glance or word spoken.

Well, he's just lovely.

"Hey," Louisa's voice comes up from behind me, wrapping her arms around my middle. "I've been looking for you." I tense automatically.

"Louisa, what are you doing?"

"What? I can't hug my date?" Even without the way my girlfriend's brother is currently glaring at me I'd say that is a big hell no. She squeezes me tighter.

"Louisa, stop." I grab her arms and unwrap them from around me.

"Fine." She entwines her arm with mine. "Go for a walk with me?"

"A walk and then I'm taking you home. It's late." She doesn't say anything to that as I lead her around the room. She occasionally puts her head on my arm and lets out a contented sigh. I don't like the gesture, it's too intimate, but she's had one too many glasses of champagne. I'm assuming she's just tired.

"Let's go out to the courtyard." I lead the way, just wanting this night to be over. "Is being my date really such a bad thing?" Her voice sounded hurt which made me feel like an asshole.

"No Louisa, it's not. It's just me. I'm sorry for being such a bad date." We sit down on a bench, one that overlooks a koi pond.

"They're so beautiful."

"Yeah, they are."

"Do you think I'm beautiful?"

I deliberate answering that but ultimately I do. "Yes, you're very beautiful. I'm sure many men have told you that. I'm sure many people have."

"Do you think I'm sexy?" Before I can comment she straddles my lap and grabs me by the lapels. "Because I think you're sexy. It's why I wanted you to take me out tonight. It's why I asked my father to set it up. It's why I wanted you to come inside my place earlier."

"Louisa," I try to gently push her off but she stays planted on my lap, "Louisa, I have a girlfriend." I have a wife. I'm married.

"I don't care. She doesn't have to know. It can be our secret." Her lips find mine as her hands go underneath my coat. She lets out a groan as her hands sprawl out over my chest. She continues to try and kiss me but I don't respond. When she pulls away she looks disappointed. "Why aren't you kissing me back?"

"Are you done? I told you I am fucking taken."

"Like father like son." The voice makes my blood run cold and has me pushing Louisa off of my lap. "Should've fucking known you were just like your prick of a father." He's coming up to me rather quickly, looking like he's going to fulfill his promise from before. He takes his suit jacket off and tosses it to the side. "Stand up, you fucking asshole. I'm about to—"

"You're about to what?" My father's voice comes from somewhere in the courtyard. "Lay hands on my son? I don't fucking think so."

Jamie just laughs as he rolls up his sleeves with, "I'll gladly lay them on you, Rhoen. You know I have no issue throwing a punch in your direction." My father mimics Jamie's actions and that's the moment I realize that they're not just talking shit but they're really about to fight.

"Hey, it's not what you think it is." I stand up and get in between them.

"What? Like you sucking face with your date while dating my sister?" Jamie spat out in my direction.

"He's a kid. He can do what he likes."

"Not while he's dating my sister he can't."

"I wasn't kissing Louisa. She kissed me. I did not kiss her back."

"Oh you can fuck right off with that bullshit. Starting to sound like your old man over here with your 'it just happened' bullshit." 

I look in Louisa's direction, hoping she'll confirm but she's taken off. Of fucking course she had. Before anything can escalate any further I see two males stumbling out of the door. Thank fuck. It's Torey's dads. Once they assess the situation they both come up alongside each one of the males. Denver stands beside Rhoen and Luke beside Jamie.

"You two need to take a breather. Come on, Rhoen, you need to finish up with your guests."

"Like fuck he does." Jamie lunges forward but Luke holds him back.

"James, this is neither the time nor the place."

He grits his jaw and looks me over before shrugging Luke off of him. He takes a couple of steps and picks up his suit jacket before turning back to me. "You stay the fuck away from my sister, you hear me?" He spits on the ground before leaving the four of us alone.

Just when I think things can't get any worse I feel my phone go off in my pocket. There's a text from Monica and when I click on it I realize that no, it's not from Monica, it's from Carter. Specifically a picture of him holding her bridal style, she's passed out in his arms. Along with the picture was a text— at least one of us is here to take care of her.

And it's not me.

Sooo that just happened.

Where do you all think it will go from here?

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