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Bucky POV ~
I had told them this was a bad idea. I had told them that innocents would get hurt. I knew from experience. And seeing her body, lying limp and unconscious against the wall, I knew that I was right.

Blowing up the Hydra base was a nice taste of revenge, although going back there was harder than I'd ever imagined. I could still remember every small detail of every horrible thing that happened there. I knew I wasn't the last person they would do those things to either. And that's what I said to Steve and Clint as we prepared to ambush and destroy the base.
"We'll do a sweep afterwards and see if any innocents got caught in the crossfire," Clint told me, loading his bow.
"I doubt there'd be any in such a small base," Steve added, and I clenched my jaw. But I was outvoted in this one. I just had to pray that we didn't hurt or kill anyone who didn't deserve it.

But of course, my luck is never that good, and never has been.
"Shit," I whispered under my breath as I hurriedly ran over to her. I was relieved to see the slow rise and fall of her chest, but I wasn't sure how much longer it would last.
"Guys, are you there?" I said through the intercom to the other guys, who were looking on the other side of the base.
"Bucky? Did you find something?" Steve's voice came through muffled and crackly.
"Yeah. There's a person here; a girl. She's hurt badly but she's still breathing."
"Are you sure she's an innocent?" It was Clint this time. He always had trouble trusting people, Natasha was the only one he truly seemed to open up to.
"Judging by the hospital gown and the fact she's the only one here, I'd say so, yeah."
"I don't think that's enough evidence Steve, we should be careful." Clint's voice was cautious and suspicious. His lack of trust angered me. I knew what it was like to be a victim of Hydra, and I could tell she was one of them.
"Clint, she's an innocent. She's a victim and she's badly hurt, so regardless of what you think we need to get her back to the Tower."
"Guys, guys, calm down. Bucky, where's your location, we'll come find you." Steve interrupted our argument.
"Toward the north of the building, near the back entrance." I gave them directions before going closer to the girl and examining her injuries.

Her face was covered with a thin layer of dust, and a nasty gash was bleeding excessively from the side of her leg. Tearing some fabric off of the torn curtains that hung on what remained of the window, I wrapped it around the wound as tight as I could, hoping it was enough from preventing her from bleeding out. Her peaceful face had a sort of beauty to it, even with the small red scratches left there from the explosion. If her experience at Hydra was anything like mine, I knew the sort of stuff she'd likely been through, and I hoped that once she came to, she's have a faster and better recovery from it than I did.

My thoughts were interrupted however by soft footsteps from the hallway. I pulled my gun up, holding it at the ready. Clint and Steve stepped around the corner.

Clint put his hands up. "Whoa there buddy, it's just us." I glared at him.
"Where's this girl you found?" Steve asked.
I pointed to the room.
"Like I said, she's an innocent."
"And a dead one soon if she doesn't get medical attention." Steve replied, scooping the girl up gently into his arms as if she was nothing. "We better hurry back to the tower."

A/N ~
And there we go! Chapter 2!

I hope you guys liked this one haha, and I hope it wasn't too short. If you want longer chapters, feel free to let me know! As I said, I love feedback from the readers!

I would also like to thank the first voter of this story: BAH_DessertPotter
Please go check them out they're really cool!

Anyway yeah if you enjoyed vote and comment to let me know, and make sure to leave any feedback, tips or just comments in general either in the comments, the conversation bar on my profile or even pm me! I'd love to hear all of your opinions!

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Thank you for reading, and have a spectacular day! xx

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