The Kings

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  The group eventually said goodbye, going back to their own lives and own homes. Before leaving, Oikawa made sure to tell Hinata to text him. A sense of superiority fell over him when he saw Kageyama clench his fist.

  Oikawa had guessed what would happen tonight. It didn't make him feel good. He couldn't truly explain why. Or maybe he could and he was just in denial of it.


  Hinata and Kageyama took the train back to Hinata's place. It had taken Hinata months of begging and convincing for his mother to finally allow him to "leave the nest." Natsu cried but would never admit it.

  The ride was silent. It was around 10pm already and the train was slightly empty. There was only the sound of the train moving.

  Hinata didn't quite mind the silence though. He could tell it wasn't something "comfortable" but it relaxes him. Being in Kageyama's presence was just so....nice.

  Kageyama carried Hinata's luggage as they exited the station and walked towards the apartment building. Hinata tried to take the bag from Kageyama which prompted a harsh flick to the forehead.

  "You can just leave them by the door. I'll deal with unpacking later." Hinata yawned, kicking his shoes off before walking into the living room. It felt weird being in his own apartment after two years.

  Kageyama still hadn't spoke after the two settled into the living room. There was tea sitting in front of them, slowly becoming lukewarm. They sat in silence.

  "Kageyama...." Hinata turned and looked at the male. "You had something to say...?" He tried.

  The setter took in a deep breath. He twisted his body to face Hinata on the couch. Hinata didn't know it but his heart was beating quickly. The male felt more nervous about this moment than any volleyball game he's ever played.

  Hinata watched the male. He didn't say anything or move. He just waited patiently for his friend to speak.

  "For the past two years...I've missed you more than I ever thought I would." Kageyama started, staring into Hinata's eyes with a force of passion. "I didn't get it at first. Why would I ever miss you so badly?"

Hinata felt his heart begin to race. Was Kageyama saying what he thinks he's saying?

"I know why, now. I am such an idiot for not realizing sooner. Hinata, I...I have feelings for you. Real, true feelings. I like you. I want to be your partner but not just in volleyball."


Oikawa and Iwaizumi were walking home. The restaurant wasn't too far from Iwaizumi's place so Oikawa decided to spend the night.

The two walked in silence. Oikawa found himself thinking about Hinata and Kageyama. He wondered what was going on. He couldn't help it. He wanted to know.

It wasn't like Oikawa had feelings for that small fry. There was no way.

"Oi, Shittykawa. Are you even listening?" Iwaizumi lightly shoved the male.

"Huh? Sorry, what were you saying?" Oikawa shook his head clear of those thoughts. He knew who he liked. He's liked the guy since high school, after all.

"I said that you're gonna sleep on the couch. I didn't air out the futon."

Oikawa rolled his eyes, "Iwa-chan can't I just share the bed with you?" He batted his eye lashes and leaned against the slightly shorter male.

Iwaizumi scoffed, "Gross. What're we? Five?" He shook his head, pulling his keys out of his pocket and opening the door to his apartment.

"Dude, we literally shared a bed in high school." Oikawa deadpanned. "Come on, Iwa-chan! It's not even a big deal. We're just sharing a bed. It's not like I'm gonna pounce on you or something."

"It's not about you pouncing on me! It's about me pouncing on you." Iwaizumi blurted as they entered the house.

  Iwaizumi immediately regretted the words that left his mouth. A hand quickly slapped over his mouth as he stared back at Oikawa. Oikawa only stood there in shock.

  He moved his hand away, staring at Oikawa. "Oikawa, I...I know we agreed to be friends but I still love you." Iwaizumi confessed, taking a step towards the male. "I know we didn't work out the first time but I'm ready now. I couldn't stand not being by your side for the past two years. Tooru..."

  "Don't." Oikawa interrupted. He stepped back, staring at his childhood friend. "Iwa you know why we broke up." Oikawa's heart was racing. He felt like the walls were closing in on him. Trying to trap him and make him confront his own goddamn fears.

  "I know! Yes, I know! But Tooru, we were kids! We just weren't ready for it. I want to give us another chance. We deserve another chance. Don't tell me you don't love me anymore. You do love me still, right?" Iwaizumi felt himself start to get scared. Oikawa had to love him still. Right?

  Oikawa wasn't too sure anymore. When Iwaizumi asked the question, as much as he didn't want to admit it, Hinata popped into his head. Only for a second but that second was enough to make him second guess himself. "I love you. I will always love you. But...I don't think I know what kind of love this is right now. Iwa, it's been two years. I don't think you're the only one in my life anymore."


  "You what?" Hinata choked on his words. He couldn't believe what he just heard. A heat rose to his cheeks and he could feel himself blushing more than slightly.

  Kageyama stayed quiet. He honestly hadn't thought this far. For a while now, all he could think about was just telling Hinata how he felt. As selfish as that seemed, he didn't care what happened he just needed to let him know. But, fuck, he was scared. Terrified.

  "Kageyama..." Hinata didn't know what to say. From the way he felt, he didn't hate the confession. He honestly felt happy hearing the words. Did that mean he liked Kageyama? If so, then why did Oikawa pop into his head?

  "You don't have to answer me right now." Kageyama rushed out. "I don't want to be rejected just in the moment. Please think about this. Don't take my feelings lightly."

  Hinata sucked in a breath, "...Okay, yeah. I think I just need some time to...think about this. About you."

  Kageyama left soon after that. Hinata was left in his apartment, alone. He plopped onto his bed, staring at his ceiling. What now?

  Oikawa left Iwaizumi's after that, too. He left his luggage there and knew he'd eventually have to go back to get it. But not tonight. He couldn't see him again tonight.

Hinata reached for his phone, his fingers finding their way to a familiar contact. Before he could decide to do anything, his phone was ringing. After a beat, he answered.

  "Hey, can I come over?"




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