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I heard you did pretty well at the meeting. Gideon sat down opposite her.

She said nothing, still shoveling spoonful after spoonful of rice into her mouth. Her heart was still beating rapidly even though it was almost an hour since the meeting ended. She couldn't remember most of what she said during the meeting. All she remembered was the bite of the shoes she'd worn on her toes, the excess wetness under her arms, and what seemed like the roar of a storm in her head. The hour-long report had gone on like it was another person in her body that made the presentation. But as soon as she had completed the presentation, she came back to the present and met the approving look of the General Manager. The pinch of her shoes and the uncomfortable feeling in her armpits were forgotten.

So, how do you feel now? I heard you were pretty nervous before it? Mrs. Oyena joked that you were cramming the whole numbers. He laughed out loudly.

Ruby eyed him, but she was glad Mrs. Oyena had left the jokes until she was done with the presentation. It was okay. She treated him with cordiality since she was in a good mood.

The waitress brought a serving of eba and egusi. Ruby looked at it, admiring the rich red and yellow of the soup, contrasted with strips of green. Making a presentation is not so difficult. It's mostly reporting what most of them already know. The problem is how you make the presentation, whether you-

Yes, I know. She paused in the motion of picking up the chicken drumstick on her now empty plate. At least I know what to do if I'm told to do it another time.

You'll be doing it pretty often after this. He put a morsel of garri dipped into the soup into his mouth.

They sat in silence while Ruby polished off her chicken and finished drinking her bottle of sprite.

You don't need to run away every time you see me, he swallowed quickly and said when she made to stand up.

Ruby settled back on the chair and frowned at him. Why do you think I run away from you?

Is it not obvious? He shot back.

I'm not running away from anybody, she mumbled and tried to stand up again.

He reached over the table and held her hand with his unsoiled one. Well, just wait for me to finish so we can go back to the company together. Moreover, there's something I want to talk to you about.

Ruby raised her brows and contemplated, looking from his hand on hers to the contents of his plate. He was now halfway through his food.

Alright. She leaned back on the chair. But when she did, she reached for her phone and started scrolling through Instagram. She smiled briefly when she saw a post from Fred, posted two hours ago, and proceeded to like and comment.

Gideon finished his food, not minding the way she was ignoring him, going through her phone as though he wasn't there. When he finished and washed his hand, he reached for a toothpick.

Ruby looked up from her phone. You're done? She immediately stood up.

Ah, let the food digest small na. Why are you rushing back? We still have like thirty minutes.

It will digest on the way back, she argued but sat down. What did you want to talk about? She looked at him cautiously.

He shook his head at the briskness of her tone. Are you really still angry with me? About what happened how many years ago? I thought you'd have gotten over it by now.

Is that what you want to talk about? She was beginning to regret her decision to stay back.

Obviously. We are working in the same company and as co-workers, we should treat ourselves civilly. Moreover, we might have to work together sometime in the future.

What? She looked at him as if he had suddenly grown horns. We belong to two very different, mutually exclusive departments— accounting and social media. You can jump from sales marketer to social media strategist. I cant. And honestly, I dont see myself working with you in the near future.

"Oh," he nodded thoughtfully. I understand. But dont you think its high time we settled our problem?

Her forehead creased. I dont have any problem with you. Really. Youre the one that thinks there is a problem. Guilty conscience, she added in her head.

He stood up. Why dont I feel the same way? Just admit it. He waited for her to join him.

She kept up the pretense. I still don't get what you are saying.

He sighed and then turned to face her, using as much earnestness as he could muster to say, I want to apologize, wholeheartedly and sincerely for what I said that day. I can understand why you still bear a grudge with me, but it's gone too long and I would like to believe that even you feel that it's gone on too long to remain reasonable.

I don't need you to tell me what is reasonable and what's not. And for God's sake, I am not angry with you. I stopped being so a long time ago. Why would I waste my energy on that? I just don't feel the need to associate with you any more than required. If you can say that about a woman who just started working in your company, then it's worse to think of what else you can say about just any woman. She walked ahead of him, but her voice was audible and clear.

Pretty direct, huh? He hurried to catch up with her. She'd stopped to let a car drive by. At that time, I just went through a really bad breakup. I found out that she was sleeping with some other men for money.

That doesn't mean that every girl is like that. She walked briskly. And by the way, that excuse is pretty lame and stale. Do you know how many other girls have gone through bad breakups, worse than yours? If we all go around treating people one way because of what somebody else did to us, then who knows the kind of toxic world we would be living in.

His expression turned somber. I understand what you mean. She stopped just at the entrance of the company and gave him her full attention. I realize the wrong in what I did and I assure you, I don't think that way towards everybody. The hurt was fresh at that time and seeing you dressed like that? She also had a gown like yours.

She couldn't stop herself from laughing bitterly. Because of my gown kwa? She sighed. Look, I don't hate you or anything. We've been in the same company for years so I know the type of person you are. Maybe not entirely as rude as I'd originally thought. But what you said came at a time when I was really struggling to fit into the company. And I had to walk around for days imagining everyone in the company saw me as this girl going around looking for a man to prey on. I can't promise you anything. I will treat you cordially, that is fair. But don't wish for me to become friends with you anytime soon.

His smile was forced. That's fair. But I will take that over you looking annoyed with me anytime I am around you.

So, she pointed at the sliding door of the company. Can I go in now?

Oh, of course, of course. His smile this time was genuine.

Okay. She waved as she entered the company. See you later.

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