Day 15

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Day 15:Feb.15th.2015
~The top left drawing is a mosquito. Ugh, I hate Mosquitos. Where I live, in the summer time the Mosquitos are horrible! They give me the shivers every time I think of them😖Any ways I think it looks weird. My brother and candyowl says it looks like a humming bird😂 I tried alright!

~The top right drawing is a fruit cock tail😂 For adults of course. I like it. It looks sorda funny😋

~The left bottom drawing is a peg leg, or a pirates wooden leg. If I only drew the wooden leg, it looked weird. So I added part of the pants.

~The right bottom drawing is a spigot. At first I was like "what" then I searched it on the Internet and found a faucet. It looks good.

Don't judge-_-

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