Part One

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Her name was Sophie Foster. She was orphaned at a young age, not even able to remember her parents. Her first memories were here, at the palace of Everglen. It was where they had sent her, here. They'd sent her to be taken care of by the servants, to become a servant. At the young age of 5, she was already sweeping floors and wiping tables. She was seventeen now, and her jobs had only gotten harder with age. But, it was all she knew. They treated her well, gave her food, a small paycheck, and the other servants, they were her family now. Especially Edaline.

Edaline had become like a mother to her. She didn't remember a time without her. Edaline had taught her how to be a proper lady with all of her manners along with being the proper house maid. But, that wasn't all. Edaline had always made sure that Sophie also had time to herself. Time to have fun. To read. Edaline had always made sure Sophie had everything she needed to be a normal girl, well of course, a normal girl who also worked and lived in a castle. She always managed to make the young girl smile and laugh.

There was also Marella and Dex, who were like siblings to her even if they weren't like that to each other. They were always there for her to say it simply. They were her friends in this place, her family. Marella worked in the kitchens and would always sneak her food when she was hungry in between meals. Dex was in charge of repairing the little things that needed fixing around the castle. He'd always be happy to help her fix the things she broke in her clumsiness.

The servants were her family, but still the most memorable part of her whole life was the prince. His laugh that she heard while she walked quietly past the room where he talked with his sister. His smile when he smiled as a silent thank you whenever she did something for him. His teal eyes and how they sparkled. She never could look directly into them. Even his voice when he told her to do something. It's stern, demanding tone mixed with what she could tell was real kindness. It was all enough for her to fall hopelessly in love with him.

The prince's name was Fitz, and he never seemed to notice her. Sure, he noticed her as being one of the servants. But never more. And, it killed her inside. He didn't even know her name. There was no way he would, no reason he ever would learn it.

Sophie Foster was just a servant. An orphaned lowlife who no one would ever love that way. Fitz was the future king! He didn't need someone like her. He was too good for her. She was just the servant not the princesses who came to see him.

Still, she couldn't look him in the eyes because then she would have to face the fact that there was no love in them. No love for her.

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"Sophie!" Edaline called to her, breaking the blonde out of her morning daze as she starred in the mirror, lost in thought. "Come here for a moment!"

Sophie, quickly, straightened her skirt before running towards her mother figure. She was met with an unreadable expression on her caretaker's face.

"What is it, Edaline? Is something wrong?" Sophie asked, concern laced in her voice.

"No, no. Don't worry, Sophie." Edaline seemed to snap out of her thoughts after a second. "I just need to tell you something later. Oh, and they need your help in the private quarters of the castle today. You should be heading that way in a few minutes."

A Silent Promise // SophitzWhere stories live. Discover now