Chapter 6 : Suitors (Ep 2)

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Hermione sat at the pianoforte, her fingers running over the keys. It was not a gift that she had, to be certain, but it was still a skill that was encouraged in all young ladies, and so she continued to practice. Ginny had always had a gift for it, much like how she had a gift at riding, at sewing, at arranging flowers... But Hermione only excelled at reading and writing, and neither seemed to be a welcome skill for a young Lady.

No, those were the skills of a governess. Her previous profession. She missed it, now, sitting there and forcing her fingers to move. She would rather be dealing with children than with society. Children were easy. Society was... demanding. Expecting. Impossible to please.

Like Ginny, who wanted to know everything that she and the Duke had spoken about.

"Oh, and the way he had looked at you when he left!" Ginny said with a gasp, her sewing long forgotten beside her on the sofa. "He looked back over his shoulder twice, I swear it."

"He was not," Hermione said, her voice terse as her fingers stumbled over the keys. She always struggled at this point in the piece.

"He was!" Ginny insisted. "He was smiling at you as well, and Lady Parkinson insists that he never smiles."

"Because he was amused by what I said, because he was placating me," Hermione retorted, her brow wrinkling as she pressed the wrong key again. "Honestly, he only danced with me and came to promenade out of a kindness to Harry, I think. They are old friends."

"Harry warned him away from you," Ginny said, which had Hermione bang her hands on the keys in response.

Ginny turned and looked at her, brow raised.

"I told Harry to not interfere," Hermione snapped, trying to look back at the music and see where she had been.

"Yes, and the Duke did not listen!" Ginny said, rising from her seat and walking towards Hermione. "So clearly, he is more interested in earning your hand than he is in his friendship with Harry. That means something."

Hermione rolled her eyes, and resumed playing, trying to ignore her annoyance for Harry. How dare he warn the Duke away from her. He was certainly not the sort of man that she would marry, but still - they had been over this! It was Hermione's choice! Harry could not continue to do this, as if he had any power over her.

"But just think," Ginny said softly, her hands going to Hermione's shoulders. "As a Duchess, you will not simply be part of society... you would be society. You could start your own charity, host charity balls, you could encourage young ladies to join together to discuss literature and art. You could have a real place of influence as a Duchess."

Hermione's fingers paused on the keys, and she lifted her eyes for a moment, imagining it. Before, she had been seeking out perhaps an Earl, maybe even a Marquees. Someone with enough position and wealth that they would allow their wife a bit of freedom. Someone older, that already had an heir, or someone young, and assumed they would have time.

But a Duke... as a Duchess, she could truly have power... She could do something with her position.

Except, it was not real. He had no intention of marrying. Of course, he also had no intention of controlling his estate. Really, it could be perfect. She could control the finances, worry about the investments, care for the tenants, and she could host all of society... and he could do whatever he wanted.

He had not mentioned why he would not marry, only that he had no interest in it. Perhaps she should ask him.

"Flowers have arrived, your Ladyship, from the Duke of Wiltshire, for both yourself and Miss Hermione."

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