A new beginning

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"Je n'en reviens toujours pas...Le temps passe si vite et tu nous quittes déjà, ma petite chérie.." ("I still can't believe it ... Time flies so quickly and you are already leaving us, my little darling...")
As I was packing up the last things in my luggages, my mom next to me was already in tears thinking about my departure.
"Ne t'inquiète pas maman ça va aller je ne suis plus un bébé, en plus on peut toujours s'appeler !" ("Don't worry mum it's going to be okay I'm not a baby anymore, plus we can always call each other!")
I tried to reassure her, in fact, I dreaded this moment.
It is the first time I will leave my family for such a long period.

It has been a year since I prepared this trip in Brighton. I learned English since year 7 and fell in love with this language. As I want to become an English teacher in France I have to go for at least one year in England...seems logic no ?
I searched and searched every day until I managed to find a host family that seemed great. I prepared myself for this trip so no need to be scared...right?

I left after saying goodbye to my family. With some tears in my eyes.
I couldn't help but feel anxious...Is it going to be okay ? Is the family great ? I'm only 17, will I be alright? And school, I hope I'll make friends like here....
When getting out of the bus which drops us off at the motorway area where all the host families were waiting for us, I began to search for the Smith family.

It is then I saw a woman holding a sign with "Welcome Y/N !". She was waiting with a men, I suppose her husband, and waved at me.
A sudden feeling of happiness flew into me !
I did it, I'm in England for a whole year.


Thank you for reading!
Feel free to tell me anything about the story so far ;)
See ya~

My new start (Tubbo x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now