"someone insisted we went back to sleep." you say, squinting your eyes at the boy lying next to you. he looks over at you and puts his hands up in defense.

"and you only said an hour." he jokes and you playfully roll your eyes at him, "tommy you're so stupid." you breathe out and he laughs at you, him not sitting up beside you.

"you guys missed the laser tag place." wilbur says and tommy's eyes widen, staring at wilbur with aggression in his facial expression. "and you didn't wake us up?!" he yells at wilbur and he shrugs, peering between you and tommy every few seconds.

"you guys looked happy.", you stare at the angry boy beside you, waiting for him to try and tackle the taller man standing toward the end of the bed.

"but wil, you knew i wanted to play laser tag." he whines out, a pout soon forming on his face and you stare at him, your eyes squinted and trying to stifle a laugh.

you pull yourself out from the covers, looking down at your light grey sweatpants and staring at the socks that somehow stayed on your feet throughout the night.

you get up from the bed and see wilbur walk out of the room, not paying attention to the last 30 seconds of the conversation between the two british boys. he stares at you, looking you up and down but stopping at your eyes, "i like the color of your eyes." he says, intently looking at your whole face.

his eyes linger on your lips, making you notice the slight blush across his cheeks from the anger just moments before, you stare at him, looking at his lips as well. you know whats racing through his mind because it's also rushing around through yours.

"jesus christ you're so pretty." he whispers under his breath making your cheeks turn to flames, knowing they look similar to his, but instead of yours being from anger, its from being flustered. he stares at you with a smirk, knowing the effect he has on you is much greater than anybody else.

you walk into the bathroom, seeing your watch resting on the counter and quickly buckling i to your wrist, the time flashing into your view and it reading '5:21' and you sigh, wondering how you slept so long, but that though is soon forgotten, remembering how warm his grasp was around you, and how his breathing could calm you down through any sort of panic.

you look in the mirror, looking at your reflection and smiling at the memory from last night, seeing yourself in tommy shirt and remembering the smell of his cologne filling your nose. you look across the counter and see a dark glass bottle sitting on the counter.

it's obviously a cologne bottle and it makes you smile, you grab it gently, hoping to not drop it on the counter, making sure to not let your clumsiness get in the way. you open the bottle, seeing a small black sprayer on top.

you slowly move the sprayer up to the bottom of your nose and inhale the smell, the aroma making your heart feel full and butterflies arise in your stomach. your eyes flutter shut, imagining that his hands are wrapped around you and your nose is resting on the inside of his neck and your breathing this scent in.

you smile to yourself softly, knowing that you're going to have to buy this when you get home. you take a quick picture of it and save it to your favorites.

you walk out of the bathroom and look at tommy sitting on the bed and scrolling through his phone, giggling at something playing. you look at him and smile, the smell of his cologne still lingers in your nose making you smile more and the butterflies arise even more.

he gets up and walks over to you, engulfing your body in a hug you didn't know that you needed. you wrap your arms around his body as he wraps his around your waist, almost picking you up from the height difference.

you breathe in his scent, something you didn't want to do because you didn't want him to hear you deeply breathing the smell of the cologne on his body, the cologne in the bathroom. you couldn't stop yourself though, you were craving the scent to stay with you for months, years even, wishing you could constantly smell him without him having to be gone.

he holds you close, making sure to not let go of him, wishing you could stay here forever. the smell of his cologne makes you content, butterflies in your stomach are going crazy and your heart is rapidly beating, even if a hug is supposed to make a person calm.

you pull away slightly, him looking down at you and smiling. you stare up at him, and your eyes slowly trail down to his lips, finding yourself catching yourself staring at them whenever you get the chance, which seems to be always.

he stares at yours as well, both of your minds both racing with the same ideas, but not letting it happen. he leans closer to you, his lips only centimeters away from yours. you can feel his hot breath on your own lips, your breathing fast like his.

your heart races in your chest, feeling his chest against yours, his heart beating equally as fast, if not faster. you lean in more, his nose lightly brushing against yours, your lips so close to connection, but not quite connected, your eyes slowly flutter close.

he pushes himself ever so closer, your lips brush against his, making sparks fly all inside of your brain, you pushing ever so closer, making the full connection happen and you finally feel his lips against yours. something you've wanted for days.

you smile softly into the kiss, he does the same, his teeth slightly clanking against yours making your cheeks glow red all over again. he pulls away and you both open your eyes at the same time and he smiles wider, staring into your eyes.

you push yourself to him again, lips connecting all over again, knowing that you were going to have to get used to this feeling. his hands find the side of your waist, while yours softly rest on his face, holding him close to you.

his lips are softer than you could ever imagine. you can feel the heat radiating from his cheeks, while he seems to pull you closer by your waist. his lips move softly against yours, making the butterflies go wild in your stomach, reminding you of the butterflies in the daisy field.

the butterflies in the daisy field move around and fly up whenever you take a step, the slight breeze seeming to carry them in the sky. hundreds of butterflies float in the air, looking down as to watch every step you take and all actions you do. 


new chapter for you amazing readers.

only 7 chapters left 0-o

i love you <3


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