Coffee Shop

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*Kenjii's P.O.V.*

"Why can't it always be like this?" I pushed a strand of my hair behind my headphones.
"Peaceful, with just me and my music." *smiles*
"Hey there, Kenjii, how are you?" A boy with redish hair sat down next to me.
I almost forgot he was my friend Yasu...
"Just great *hmph*" I looked at him and pulled out one of my headphones, and all he did was smile.
"When are you gonna realize that the world can't be perfect... No matter how hard you try to make it seem that way, it will never be perfect. The world was made to be imperfect, YOU were made to be imperfect. Can't you accept that?" He poked my arm and pulled out my other headphone before he started to speak again, "Kenjii, can you please stop doing this?"
"Doing what?" I raised my eyebrow, while eyeing him suspiciously.
"Can you just *sigh* Can't you just... Will you just.." He seemed to be having some trouble putting his thoughts into words, earning a giggle from me. "Hey! No laughing I'm trying to be serious here!" His face turned bright red. "Aww look, Wittle Wasu wants to be a tomato." I poked his cheek, while remaining serious myself. "Now, what do you want me to do?" I smiled, showing him I was 'willing' to listen to what he had to say, not meaning I was going to do what he asked, but whatever.
"Can you please stop secluding yourself from the world, I like seeing you happy, but if that means listening to music and not me, than I'm not happy, and I just..." He sighed and looked at me, "I just.. Wanna be happy with you! But I don't know how to do that when all you do is block the world out! So please, can you just, try to *sigh* try to talk to me more, I like hearing your voice." His cheeks were stained pink, growing darker with every second that passed.

*A minute or so passes*

"So, was that your way of telling me you like me?" I smirked, not really understanding emotions of others too well.
"YE- well no, but yes, well, I- I don't really know? I guess? I just kinda, ya' know, enjoy being around you, whereas, you enjoy not being around me, so I'm not really sure what to do." He really did look troubled. *pang* There it is, that small piece of me that actually understands how I make others around me feel. "Well, If it makes you any happier, I think I understand how you feel... but I can't say I feel the same, because I'd hate myself if I lied to you." He lifted his head up from it's previous hanging state and smiled weakly. "Did you just admit, that somewhere, you have feelings for me?" My left eyebrow twitched. "I-I don't know. Did I? I don't know what you people consider feelings. Do I like you? No, not necessarily. Do hate you? No, not at all. Would I date you? I don't know I've never been in a relationship." He was surprised, "Okay, first of all, WOW! Second of all, WHAT THE HELL! How did- you ju- WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!" I could tell he was a little confused, but isn't that how a normal person should react when a person with, some uh, psychic abilities tells you what you are thinking. "Oh that, I- Uh, I read your facial expressions, and based those off of questions I felt any normal person would ask in this situation." He looked dumbfounded. "Baka, You expect me to believe that? I need to know what you are, before I confess to you." He mumbled the last part, thinking I wouldn't hear him.

"Well, I. Uhhhh, I *hmph* I uhhh." I couldn't think of a way to tell him I read his mind, THAT JUST SOUNDS WEIRD!
"You what? Kenjii, please be honest with me." It's not like I don't want to tell him, I just don't really know how to.
"Fine, I'll be honest, but no guarantees that you won't find it creepy, haha, eeeehhhh. Yeah, so I may or may not be a little psychic, but you know, people just call it coincidences." I was a little uneasy, seeing as I've never really told anyone about this.
"REALLY?! THAT IS AWESOME!" He was jumping up and down. Enthusiastic much, "Oi, no need to yell." I laughed at his childish stature.
"Haha," he scratched the back of his neck and took a bow, "Gomen."
I started laughing hysterically, "You- You do-don't h-ha-ave to ap-pologize, its no-not li-li-like I'm go-gonna hit you." While recovering from my state of hysteria, Yasu stopped what he was doing and stood in front of me, yanking me towards him so I was standing.

"I was only doing that, so that person wouldn't see my face." He was completely serious too. "Um, What do you mean, Ya-" He put his hand over my mouth, and whispered in my ear, "We have to leave, Kenjii, It isn't safe here." He smiled and took my hand like a schoolboy blushing and grabbed my bag for me. 'Maybe, just maybe, was he joking about his feelings.' I thought to myself, a frown making its way onto my face.

*After being yanked around*

"Oi, Kenjii. Are you okay?" I hadn't realized Yasu had pulled us into an ally, and he was standing in front of me while checking our surroundings and for what I assumed was our pursuers. "Um, yeah, I just, was what you said earlier a distraction too?" I made him look at me. "What, about me liking you, No way, that was truly from the bottom of my heart." He said a look of sorrow mixed with confusion, and what seemed like disappointment. "Why would you think that Kenjii?" He began to look around again, 'gee he really is paranoid' I laughed in my head while answering his question out loud. "Well, I don't know, I also don't know you well enough to tell if you're joking or not, so I assumed you knew we were being watched, and just, ya' know, acted it all out, I don't know." I sighed, and once again Yasu grabbed my hand and pulled me into a car that started to drive before we even shut the doors.




"NE, Ne Matte Matte!" I screamed at the driver, and Yasu, "Where are we even going in such a rush?!" The answer I was given was not at all what I was expecting. A smile, Yasu smiled. At a time like this?! I wanna know where the hell we are going. "You'll see, Ms. I'm-so-tough-until-you-take-me-in-a-car-and-I-don't-know-where-we're-going."
"Hey, that's too long of a nickname tomato." He stopped laughing at his 'nickname' he gave me. "Matte, why tomato?"
"Why else, cuz' when you blush," I turned to the driver,"Which is a lot of the time," he laughed and I turned back to Yasu, "You turn as red as a tomato. That's the one and only reason that your new nickname is Tomato, Oh, and you also have red hair soooo."
"Wait! I'm stuck with that as my nickname?! Nooo, But whyyyyyy?!" He looked at me with pleading eyes, "Nope, still tomato."
"KENNNNNNNNJIIIIIIIIIIII!" He started to scream but we made a sharp turn, and he kinda just fell, like fell asleep. Oh well I guess we will learn more when he wakes up, and when we get to our destination.

Ugh. I can't deal with people like him, I wanna be sleeping, but nooooo, I'm not allowed to even listen to music. Gee, where could we even possibly be going.


Hey, name's Vienna, and thanks for reading my story. I basically got bored, and this is what came to mind XD
Have fun my misfit Pandas!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2015 ⏰

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