✒️The Charming Co Worker✒️

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Full name: "Eh? You forgot my name already, my feelings are hurt!" ( Levithan Gwon)
Age: "Pfft, 24. Is it that, you are interested in me~?"
Gender: "Oh I'm a girl, isn't that so obvious?" (Male)
Sexuality: "Are you really sure you are interested in me~?" (Openly gay)

 Is it that, you are interested in me~?" Gender: "Oh I'm a girl, isn't that so obvious?" (Male)Sexuality: "Are you really sure you are interested in me~?" (Openly gay)Appearance:

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Personality: Is it a huge social butterfly when it comes to being around people in general

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Personality: Is it a huge social butterfly when it comes to being around people in general. Often found to be charming and fun to be around with. Being in a rather large friend circle and everyday after work he either go out with friends or stay in the office to help others with their work. But that doesn't mean he isn't openly flirty and sexual to others, always making dirty jokes when he got the chance, and always make a move on one he caught interest in.
Likes: Beer, eating lollipops (cherry flavor to be specific), hanging around with large group of people, socializing, eating kimchi on a rainy day, going to clubs on weekends, watching comedies and thrillers. Hitting on people he found interest in.
Dislikes: When people are purposely ruining his mood. Dealing with false rumors from others. His hit-on attempts failed.
mental issues?: He is a rather normal guy who loves to socialize.
Clothes/outfit: His wardrobe mainly consist of suits, button up shirts, and slacks. Wearing baggy clothing when he is at home.
Smut: Yes, Leans more to Seme
Species: Human
Hidden talent: Is really good at playing Dance Dance Revelation.
Body type: He is tall somewhat slim and wide, just in the middle. With having a fair built appearance.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2021 ⏰

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