Another Transfer???

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Saiki monologue: Hi I'm Kusuo Saiki. I've never really had a crush on anyone before, some people would say I'm asexual or aromantic and to be honest with you I don't really know. As a young kid I didn't really focus on " normal life " cause I was to busy trying to make sure I didn't blow up my house in my sleep. And I can see through people, literally so attractiveness isn't important to me, and I can hear everyone's thoughts so I see every one of their faults, and I know what they think about me 24/7. I mean I guess I could marry Nendo... I regret making that joke, now I am scarred for life

... Anyways back to the story

Saiki POV:

* gets the letter in the mail saying someone knows about his powers*

'Shit, who could it be, maybe that new girl... nah she just seems kinda weird'

* He meets Toritsuka*

' Ah great, not a high tech organization, just a perverted medium'

( Time skip )

Saiki's POV:

" Class today we have a new transfer student" the teacher says

'Another transfer student???'

"You may introduce yourself now"

" Hello, I'm Reita Toritsuka, please take care of me"

' You have got to be kidding me'

( Time skip ) Class ends for lunch

I walk over to Toritsuka livid

" You didn't tell me you were transferring here"

" Oh really, I thought I did"

" You have to go back"

" Why Saiki, I thought we could buddies"

" Hell no"

" Well if you can excuse me I have to go tell the lady's about their guardian spirits... who wants to know about their guardian spirit"

"me" "me" " I do" "me" girls say as they crowd around him

Beauchamp's POV:

' Damn it, well here is are very own classic anime pervert. While I do find that kind of supernatural stuff interesting I think he's full of shit'

( Time skip ) Lunch time

I go and sit down at the same table I did yesterday

" Hey guys"

" Hi" Nendo and Kaido say in unison

" So Beauchamp, can you tell us what living in America is like" Nendo says

" Sure"

" So in schools we don't wear uniforms or change shoes, everyone calls each other by their first name, sometimes people come into the school and try to kill us-"

" WHAT" Kuboyasu says, his interest now peaked

" And I thought my life was gangster"

" Yeah, Americas not that safe, but hey at least we have New York pizza"

" We have pizza" Nendo says looking puzzled 

" But it's different, are's has a thin piece of dough, then tomato sauce, and a bunch of cheese"

" Really" " I need that" Nendo and Kaido say

" Yeah so-"

" Hey Saiki, can I sit here" Toritsuka asks about to sit down next to me

" No" I say blankly and throw my backpack on the seat

He's about to say something else to me when I get up

" I have to go now, see you guys later" I say and quickly leave

' I hate people like Toritsuka, the only reason why he talks to girls is to flirt'

( Time skip ) The school day ends

' Ugh just great, of course his shoe locker is next to mine, please don't talk to me, please don't talk to me, please don't-'

" Hey, would you like to hear about your guardian spirit"

" No"

" Come on, you really don't want to know"

" No"

*I feel a tingling sensation on my left shoulder, dodge*

' Good a dodged just in time before that perv could even touch me'

' Just keep walking, just keep walking'

' Good , I'm finally away from that creep'

' Oh it's Saiki, Nendo, and Kaido, I should go say hi'

" Hey guys"

" H-h-hey" Kaido says blushing

' He must still be embarrassed about the other day'

" Sooo... Kaido, how's it going with dark reunion"

"I u-umm, I have discovered a secret weapon that can take them down" he says looking pretty shocked I asked

" That's awesome, so can I work with you part time to catch dark reunion"

" R-R-Really???" he asks beaming

" Yeah, but I need a cool undercover name, obviously, hmm... maybe something like " black haired knife" I say

" Please don't encourage him" Saiki says

" Awww, come on Saiki, we can get you a name too, if you want "

" Hell no"

Saiki's POV:

' I hate this girl'

Kaido's Thought's: 'I love this girl'

' Damn it Kaido!!!

" Well, I'm off"she says

" Yeah I have to go too" I say walking in the opposite direction

' I have to go make sure Yumehara and her boyfriend don't break up'

( Time skip )

Dakota's POV:

' Oh it's Saiki,... ehh is he following someone'

Saiki POV:

' I have been following them around for 10 minutes an I have already stepped in five times to help, shit now I have to step in again, who thinks squid jerky is an acceptable gift... for anyone. Good thing I got this teddy bear for her just in case. Now all I have to do is throw it into his hands-'

" Whatcha doing"says a deep, annoying, monotone voice behind me

" Ahhh"

" Ohhh are we stalking people, if so I want in"

" Beauchamp, what are you doing???"

' She scared the shit out of me,... and just great I accidentally hit Yumehara in the face'

" Well I was just out exploring the town when I saw you following these people like a serial killer so I thought I'd come and say something and potential stop a murder"

I just look up at her in a dead stare and say " haha very funny"

" But seriously, what are you doing"

" Its not your concern"

" Aww your no fun Saiki, well gotta go, see you later" she says jokingly saluting me with two fingers while clicking her tongue 

' It's like having a second Nendo to ruin my life'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2021 ⏰

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