Chapter 2: First Blood

Start from the beginning

He started to take a sip of his tea as he picked up the Quibbler, his favourite newspaper. Scanning the letter to the Editor quickly, the aged wizard spewed his tea. What in Merlin's name?

He read then reread the letter and Xeno's response. Granted the man hedged his comments about the Prophet, but even he could read between the lines and see that Xeno Lovegood had no respect for the Ministry controlled rag.

This Twist lad sounded very angry at the world and at the Prophet especially. What was the boy playing at? Daring the Prophet and the Ministry to answer him?

Could the boy be correct in his views about Harry? Granted he wasn't too specific in his details. However, did he really know Harry? Could this have been written by Harry? No. The boy had no way to send anything to the Prophet. Hedwig was being taken care of by Hagrid. Who could this Oliver Twist be? Why did that name sound familiar?


In a dark room with only a rat-faced man for company, a snake-like man was recovering from his rebirth.

The rat-faced man picked up the Prophet and started to read it aloud. Neither wizard read the personal section for the Prophet. So the personal notice listed there to a 'Mr. Oliver Twist' went unread. Since neither read the Quibbler, they would not understand the notice since they hadn't read the original letter.

As for the other followers, no one felt it wise to inform their master of the letter as it was considered far too dangerous to call his attention to it.


Gringotts Director, Ragnok, picked up the letter addressed to Family Accounts Department and scanned it quickly.

"To whom it May Concern

I, Harry James Potter, son of James and Lily Potter, wish to know who my account manager is. I would like a copy of all my bank statements from the time my parents were killed to present time. I know I am underage but as I will be seventeen in a couple more years, I would like to learn how to manage my own affairs.

Second, I would like to learn about the 'sponsors' that govern the Daily Prophet. I want to know who owns the Prophet. What is written in their charter, who is on their board of directors and their last fiscal report.

Third, I would like a good recommendation for a Barrister. I have a feeling that my rights in the Wizarding World are being denied.

Lastly, my mail is being withheld from me by my headmaster Albus Dumbledore against my wishes. Therefore I have rented a post box that is maintained by a house elf. I expect that all my business and all contacts with your esteemed establishment will be held in the strictest confidence. Therefore, any correspondence will be forwarded to my post box and not delivered by owl. The post box is under the name of 'Oliver Twist'.

May Your Gold Always Flow and Together May We Gain Much Profit

Harry J. Potter."

Pinching his nose and closing his eyes, the ancient goblin started to swear in gobblygook. Lord Potter should have been receiving bank statements since he was eleven. If he hadn't where had they gone? This will bear investigation. Heads will roll if discovers any fraud!


Harry was sitting on his bed, reading a book on Wizarding etiquette and customs Dobby got for him. Something Dumbledore should've given him years ago. He snorted. Yea right, the old coot! Doing anything that made Harry's life easier? Fat chance.

It was only by accident that Harry found out the senile old wanker had cancelled the mandatory lessons on Wizarding Customs for all muggle-born students Harry's first year. Professor McGonagall had taught her muggle-born lions on the sly without him knowing. Harry only found out when he heard Dean and Seamus speaking about it in the showers. They hadn't known Harry was in another nearby stall.

It made Harry wonder what game ol' Dumbledore was really playing at? Why did the headmaster find it necessary to keep him in ignorance of the world he had been born into? It was a good thing that Harry was very adept at hiding his intelligence or he could've really been screwed.

Dobby popped in with a stack of mail. "Master Harry, sir. Your book order is done. I'se picked it up for you'se. Also, the Goblins sent you'se an important letter and forms to fill out."

"Thank you, Dobby," Harry said, taking the mail. Opening the Gringotts letter first, he scanned the cover letter first. 'What the f...!' He thought.

"Unto the Heir to the Ancient and Noble Houses of Potter and Gryffindor; Harry James Potter-Gryffindor,

Greetings from Ragnok, Director of Gringotts.

Lord Potter, I will admit that your letter came as an unpleasant surprise. We have been sending you statements since you were eleven. Also we have been sending out requests for a meeting to discuss your future for some time. It has never come to our attention that you were not receiving them. We assumed that your guardian, Albus Dumbledore, had been passing on the information and you were allowing him to handle your affairs.

As per your letter, we have decided this is not the case. Pending an investigation, all of your accounts have been frozen. All keys have been recalled. If you have need for funds, you will have to appear at Gringotts for a meeting as your family's previous account advisor has met with an untimely death. I will be assuming the role myself until such time as we can come to a mutually agreeable arrangement.

As for the Prophet, as of noon yesterday, you are the major stockholder with sixty-eight percent of the shares. Ministry of Magic holds about twenty shares and the rest is owned by the Prophet themselves. The board of directors was appointed by the Ministry after the first fall of the Dark Lord Voldemort. The Ministry currently controls the Prophet through political intimidation.

Lord Charles Witherspoon, the fourth, is the current Editor-in-Chief. He was hired by your grandfather, Lord Harold Potter. Lord Witherspoon is a good man, but since the death of your grandfather, his hands have been tied by the Ministry.

Lastly, your family has long retained the services of Lord Peter Flinchly-Addams as their barrister-at-law. We have notified him of your request, and he will be contacting you soon. It appears that Headmaster Albus Dumbledore had informed the venerable barrister that his services were not needed as he, as the Supreme Mugwump, would be overseeing your affairs. Lord Flinchly-Addams is most anxious to speak with you.

We, at Gringotts, were deeply saddened by the death of your parents, Lord Potter. They were esteemed and valued patrons as well as honorable warriors.

Rest assured that we believe you when you say that the Dark Lord has returned. We will do everything in our power to assist you in your battles.

We need to speak soon.

May Your Gold Always Flow and Together We Will Make Much Profit


Director of Gringotts

Potter Account Manager"

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