lets go to the beach-each (fluff)

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billie's POV

"babe babe babe babe babe babe babe babe babe babe ba-" i call out and run around the house trying to find them. "WHAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT" she screams at the top of their lungs, faking annoyance. "can.. can we go to the beach? pretty please" i smile, trying to show them that i'm cute so they should take me to the beach. "you're adorable" she smiles, looking up from their guitar, mindlessly playing a simple yet complex sounding. "that doesn't answer my question" i tell them.

"sure darling, we can go to the beach. just let me finish up here yeah?" they compromise. "so what i'm hearing is you're going to make me finish?" i ask half joking half serious, yet they laugh anyway. "i mean shittttt" they say and do the fuck boy face they know makes me cringe. "noooooooooo!!!! my partner has turned into a fuck they/them! SAVE ME NOW BABY JESUS!" i scream dramatically, only making them laugh more. "hey little mama lemme whisper in your ear, tell you something you might like to hear" they sing, making the same face as they get close to me. they wrap their arms around my waist and lean in close to my ear. "it's free real estate" they whisper right against my ear and i grimace. "aw baby don't make that face at me" they say and frown. "no, no i am so turned on right now" i assure them in a sarcastic tone. "you dtf baby girl" they say in a deep voice, not the sexy deep voice they use when they're trying to turn me on but the deep voice that makes my soul shrivel up and... and die. yeah, that voice kills my soul. "fosho.... d-da-....daddy- i can't i'm sorry" i force out and gag when i finally say it, pretending like i'm going to throw up. "billie, i am your father" they say in a darth vader voice. "i- for realsies? but babe that shit's incest though" "true, true"

"bil hurry the FUCK up! i swear to god imma leave you!" zen shouts from where i assume is the garage playfully. i run out to the garage and find them no where in sight. it's only when i hear a little ding of a bell that i find them in the driveway on a bike. "i was thinking it'd be nice to ride our bikes today. the beach isn't that far, only about a mile or two" they shrug with that simple, natural smile they always have on their face. "i'll run and grab your bike or you can ride on the back of mine, which would you prefer my love?" zen asks, the sides of their black cut tank top showing the nude colored swim binder i got them when they came out to me a few months back. we just cut that tank top into a cropped one last night, it used to be a hoodie but we cut the sleeves and part of the stomach. it looks really nice on them. there's a backpack with all our stuff in it in the little basket that sits upon their yellow bicycle alongside the bell they rang a few minutes ago. their dark brown hair is curly as always, the faded patches of  green shimmering in the sunlight just like the green in their eyes. "darling?" they say, snapping me out of my thoughts. "are you alright?" they ask with a worried look. "yeah i'm perfect, just admiring you" i admit, making them blush as they cover their face. "move your hands so i can give you a kiss" i demand, stepping closer to them so they know i'm serious. they move their hands, one going on my jaw and the other to my hip, and kiss me. i smile against the kiss and they wait until i pull away to break off the kiss. "i'll um... i'll be right back. i'm gonna go- go get my bike" i say, obviously flustered even though we've been dating for almost a year.

i grab the speaker from our backpack and connect my phone to it, playing music as i place it into my bike's basket. the sun is about to set, it's what basic bitches call golden hour. i notice that zen now has their ukulele in their basket as well, showing me they plan to play for me on the beach. maybe we'll have a small fire. i know we have a blanket packed. i smile a little at what's your come and press shuffle, good old days by macklemore and kesha turning on as i push off the ground and start pedaling with zen close behind.

we make it to the beach after a mile and a half of singing along to the music at the top of our lungs and stopping to get smoothies. zen places the blanket down on the ground and sets up all our stuff. there's barely anyone else here, small groups are scattered around but we're pretty much alone. i watch intently as zen lifts up part of the blanket and starts making a little pile of sand beneath it. "it's for a pillow" they tell me, as if they knew exactly what i was thinking though they have their back turned to me. they finish their little hill and put the blanket back over it, laying their head on it. "see? and then look at that, there's a little spot for my little girlfriend" they say this like it's the craziest thing, pointing to the "pillow" they made for me which is just the same pile of sand but a bit further to the right. i lay down beside them and they grab their ukulele, playing a little melody as i cuddle into them as much as i can.

zen's POV

"i love you, you know that?" she asks me, most likely not expecting a response. "i'm serious. you're perfect. from your adorable curly hair all the way down to the tips of your toes. i love your ears and how they listen to me bitch about whatever or go on my little tangents about the things i love. i love your eyes and the way they look at me, like i'm not as fucked up as i used to think. i love your nose and how you think it subtly smells my hair when we hug or cuddle. i love your lips and the way they kiss me and everything i used to think was an imperfection. i love the words that escape them. i love your neck and the way you let me bury my face into it when i'm tired or sad. i love your shoulders, the way they feel beneath my palms and fingers when i massage them as you play any of the millions of instruments you play. i love your arms and the way they hug me so tight, like you're never going to let me go. i love your hands and the way they feel in mine, the way they trace my figure, how they hold me, pick me up when i fall, brush against my cheek and softly grasp my jaw or my hips when we kiss. i love your chest just the way you do. i love it because behind it is a heart that is so loving and so forgiving. i love your stomach and the way it looks in crop tops and the way it grumbles when you're hungry or you've had too many monsters that day. i love listening to it at night, it makes funny sounds but it's cute. i love your legs and the way they intertwine with mine when we sleep. i love your feet because they brought you over to me that day we met. when you approached me all shy but you were trying to act confident. it was adorable. i've loved watching that confidence grow and flourish just as you have. i love your style and how you embrace yourself through it. i love the way you do your hair. i love the looks you give me, when we can have a full conversation through just a few glances and raises of eyebrows. i love the little dates you take me on. i love your voice. i love your laugh, god i would do anything to hear it. i love the stupid jokes you tell me, the ones that make me laugh when i feel like i may never laugh again. i love you. all of you. always and forever."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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