🌺 Stars 🌺

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Your friend Hannah dragged you to a club on your birthday for a "girls night out". You really didn't want to go, and it was your birthday. But, nevertheless you were still here.

Hannah left you to go dance with some guy, and you were sitting alone at the bar drinking a couple of margaritas, sticking your finger in the condensation forming on the table. You pondered about what you would do when you got home. Maybe take a shower?

Suddenly, you felt a tap on your shoulder which caused you to jump. A tall, handsome man with big, dark brown curls was smiling down at you. You just stared up at him, admiring his thin physique. He was wearing a white button up shirt with tight black jeans, and a pair of clogs on his feet. It took all your willpower to not giggle. Despite his odd shoe choice, he was a beautiful man all together. You found yourself almost drooling over him as he stood before you.

"Uh hello...?" The tall man waved in front of your face. "Miss? Are you alright?"

His gesture brought you back to life and your face became a dark shade of pink. "I'm so sorry sir, I must have spaced out!!"

"No worries dear, I just wanted to say hello since you looked pretty lonely over here.." He smiled at you, showing his cute fangs. "What's a lovely lady like you doing alone?"

You felt a wave of nervousness wash over you, and you had to take a deep breath before you responded. "Well, my friend Hannah dragged me here for my birthday. But, she left me for some guy she decided to hook up with."

"What a nice birthday present!" He laughed sarcastically. "So the club isn't your scene huh?"

"Not really.." You giggled. "You don't seem like the club type either."

"I'm not, my bandmates dragged me here too.." He rolled his eyes, and you laughed.

There was an awkward silence, and you swirled the straw around in your drink while trying to think of what to say. You realized you never learned this beautiful man's name.

"I never caught your name!" You smiled at him.

"Oh, it's Brian, Brian May." He stated. "And what is your name dear?"

Your heart flipped at the name he gave you. "It's Y/N

"Y/N... what a stunning name for a stunning little lady."

You blushed, looking down at your drink and grinning secretly to yourself, even though you were sure Brian could see your reaction.

"I know this is a bold question, but uh..." Brian paused for a moment. "Would you like to maybe, get out of here?"

Your eyes widened and you looked at him surprisingly. Brian blushed, realizing what his statement sounded like.

"Not that kind of getting out of here!!" Brian hit himself in the face self-deprecatingly.

"I'm so stupid." Brian put his head down and whispered to himself, but you heard him clearly.

"Brian you are not stupid! I'd love to just leave." You put your hand on his shoulder and he looked up at you, smiling toothily at you.

Soon enough you and Brian were in his van, driving away into the night. Brian turned on the radio, and they were playing Girl by the Beatles. You loved the Beatles, and it made adrenaline rush through you hearing their music.

"I love this song!" You grinned, looking at him.

Brian smiled, even though he was focused on the road. "Me too, the Beatles are my favorite band!"

You smiled and blushed in excitement. "They're my favorite band too!" A red tint sat on the top of Brian's cheeks and his smile only grew.

Brian parked on a grassy hill in the middle of nowhere, and you were quite confused for a while as to where he took you. You were worried he was going to rape you for a moment, but you knew the man you met at the bar wasn't like that, he was genuine. Brian motioned for you to get out of the car, and so you did. You hopped out and shut the door.

Brian went to the back of the van and opened it up, pushing the seats back and laying a blanket down on the floor. He grabbed a couple of pillows and put them down, sitting down and patting the spot next to him. You both sat in the back of the van, looking up into the night sky.

"Isn't it beautiful Y/N?" Brian beamed, staring up at the stars in wonder. "There's Pegasus... Ooh, and Cygnus!"

You stared up at the sky and followed where he was pointing to. The constellations were beautiful! Brian grabbed something from the back of the van.

"I knew I'd need this at some point..." Brian pulled out a telescope along with a stand for it.

"So you're really into the stars, huh Brian?" You giggled. He seemed so interested in the sky, and it was quite cute.

"Well yeah, I went to school for astrophysics!" He chuckled and scratched the back of his head.

"Really? What degree do you have?" You were truly interested, not just asking to be polite.

"Well, I was going to get my PhD, but I kind of dropped out... Only because I wanted to pursue music though!!" Brian laughed, clicking the stand into place and placing the telescope on the stand.

"I'm sure that went over well with your parents right?" You joked sarcastically. Brian chuckled and nodded.

Brian leaned into the telescope and looked through it, examining the night sky. He looked so adorable, kneeled down at the telescope, infatuated by the sky above him. You loved the passion he had, it was a very attractive quality.

"Wow Y/N come look!! Come see, it's a galaxy!" Brian clapped his hands together and waved you over. You got up from the van and kneeled down at the telescope, looking through it with your left eye.

"Wow Brian, it's so beautiful!" You beamed, pulling away from the telescope to look at him. Brian was staring at you intensely. A little bit of wind came, blowing both yours and Brian's hair to the side, and Brian's gaze stayed on you.

Suddenly, the song It's Only Love by The Beatles comes on from the van, and you can't stop staring into Brian's beautiful hazel eyes. Brian was staring into yours too, and your breathing started to become deep.

"I get high when I see you go by, my oh my."

Brian began to lean in slowly.

"When you sigh my, my inside just flies, butterflies."

He leans in closer.

"Why am I so shy"


"When I'm beside you.."

Brian's lips finally touch yours in a gentle kiss, and your eyes flutter shut, feeling his soft lips against yours. Brian cups your face in his hand, and you rest your arms around his neck. He pulls away, grinning madly at you. Your heart soared and you smiled widely back at him.

Brian brought the blanket on the grass, and you lay there late into the night, wrapped up in his arms and watching the stars together.

Brian May X Reader Imagines 🎸✨💗Where stories live. Discover now