From you~

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        The oh-so-enticing scent of breakfast being beautifully crafted for her was possibly Weiss’ favourite thing to wake up to.

        She rolled out of messed bed sheets and stumbled towards the dresser; she never had been one for early starts, or waking up in the morning at all in fact. Sliding her arms through one of Yang’s shirts she decided that it was large enough to cover her, as it reached her mid-thigh, and she followed the sound of sizzling pans towards the kitchen.

        The sight she was gifted with when she reached the room simultaneously brought about a smile to her mouth and a blush to her cheeks.

        Yang was manning the oven in immense concentration and with her back turned to Weiss it was plain to see that she was wearing a yellow apron and nothing else.

        It took several moments to remove icy blue eyes from the almost naked form of her lover.

        Weiss made her way towards the coffee machine and with a whir it was shocked into action, drawing the attention of Yang who span around with a smirk already on her lips.

        “Well good morning snowflake.” She laughed when Weiss rubbed the sleep out of her blurry eyes to better take in Yang’s appearance, highlighted by the still rising sun that cast its rays through the wide windows of their apartment. “How are you feeling?”

        “Tired.” Weiss answered groggily.

        “I don’t think you’ll ever be a morning person. Or maybe it’s just because of how busy we were last night…” Those lilac eyes were positively scandalous and it certainly had Weiss feeling more awake.

        Instead of forcing her still sleepy brain to compute words she strolled up to Yang and, on her toes, she pulled her down and into a deep kiss. Weiss let her hands wonder down the expanse of warm, tanned skin that was Yang’s back, feeling the marks her nails had scoured there the previous evening under her now gentle finger tips.

        “Does your back not hurt?” Weiss murmured against Yang’s open lips.

        “I wear them with pride and you know I can cope with pain. So since I got cracking on breakfast I suppose it’s too late to ask you how you’d like your eggs…”

        “Yang!” Weiss giggled when she was pulled closer by the arms around her waist. “I’d love them the same as usual.”

        “Of course princess Schnee, anything for you.” Yang gave her one last squeeze before turning back to her work. “Oh, you look really good in my shirt by the way.”

        “As do you in that apron.” Weiss replied, nursing the scolding cup of coffee she had made. “I hope you didn’t get up too early on my behalf dear.”

        “Don’t worry I love bacon for ya. Geddit? Bacon as in like baking?”

        “I did understand the pun Yang. It was just as awful as usual.” Weiss raised an eyebrow and took a long sip of her wondrous fix of caffeine.

        “You’re making me blush.”

        “One of my favourite pastimes.” Weiss quipped, earning her an over the shoulder grin from Yang who looked to be almost done with their food. Which was good because Weiss had some other activity in mind now she had fully woken up.

        “Could you set the table?”

        “Of course.” However, instead of searching for cutlery, Weiss found herself circling her arms under Yang’s apron, around her bare waist, and kissing her sculpted shoulder blades.

        “I thought we were eating at the table…?” Yang trailed off when Weiss’ index finger began tracing circles across her abdomen.

        She was torn.

        Weiss wanted both the breakfast and Yang.

        “We could take our food in the bedroom?” Yang suggested, turning off the stove.

        “No! You know what I think about food in the bedroom.”

        “It’s incredibly unsanitary and messy.” Yang recited, groaning when the hands at her navel retracted. “Alright let’s eat first.”

        Weiss had never seen Yang move so quickly. The food was presented to her in seconds and they sat at the dining table, Yang shovelling it into her mouth at a ridiculous rate.

        “Yang you’re going to asphyxiate yourself with eggs and that isn’t a turn on for me.”

        “Okay.” She managed to get out between mouthfuls before wincing. “Owwww, I burnt my tongue.”

        Weiss smirked at the adorable pout being sent her way then replied with, “want me to kiss it better?”

        “You’re going to be the death of me.”

        “I don’t know about that but I will have to punish you if you don’t start eating properly…” Weiss replied as she cut up her breakfast and began eating minute mouthfuls.

        “Yeah that isn’t gonna make me do what you want me to.” Yang laughed as she continued to eat at an alarming rate.

        Weiss’ phone rang out over the sounds of their chewing and Yang growled lowly.

        “I can’t ignore it Yang.”

        “You know what I think about you working on Sundays. You need at least one day to relax.”

        “I’ll be two minutes at the most, if I haven’t finished by then feel free to remind me.” Weiss answered the call whilst Yang began timing it on her own cell, still eating all the while.

        It was a ridiculous call that lead Weiss to firmly believe that her company really couldn’t run without her constant presence, she was guiding one of her employees through the correct way to file some vital information when the timer on Yang’s phone trilled out.

        “That’s it Weissy! Time’s up!” Yang called over as she leaped out of her seat and bounded towards Weiss, who began hastily finishing her explanation before she was taken up into strong arms and carried towards their bedroom.

        “Yang! No sorry I’m not angry with you just my girlfriend, yes I need to go now.” Weiss spoke down the phone from Yang’s hold.

        “I’m ready for dessert, what about you snow angel?”

        “What have I told you about calling me that and interrupting me during important business calls?!” Weiss complained after she’d hung up.

        “At least it isn’t a video conference this time…?” Yang half-answered, half-asked.

        “Well I did warn you that I don’t like surprises so you really shouldn’t have just walked in naked.”

        “I thought it would be romantic and to be honest I bet it livened up what was a pretty boring business meeting.”

        “What about that is at all romantic?!”

        “You question my methods and yet here you are.” Weiss was about to protest to that but she was unceremoniously thrown onto their bed and though Yang’s approaches were rather brazen they were almost always effective.

        “Shut up.” Weiss said to the smug grin that now hovered above her.

        “That the best you can do?” Yang challenged.

        “No. I’ll show you the best I can do.” Weiss pulled Yang down onto the bed and they fell back onto the mattress, giggling when Yang almost rolled off the side in her eagerness.

        Hungry lips met hers in a fevered passion and Weiss knew that Yang was right when she said that she needed a day to relax; this was their day.

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