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   "No way!"

   I brought the phone away from my ear and winced at the girl on the line's screech of excitement. A vein on my forehead popped in annoyance at her loud reaction.

  "Tone it down Mina, jeez! I'm not trying to go deaf!" I yelled back into the speaker.

  "You're really moving back to Musutafu!?" Mina uttered, still in disbelief that her longtime friend was coming home.

    "Yes, and another thing..." I hesitate to prepare myself knowing how Mina will react. "I was excepted into class 1-A at U.A."

I had actually done the exam before I left to live with my Mom, but I wouldn't tell Mina until I actually knew I got accepted and was going to come back home.

There is silence on the other line for a while until Mina finally spoke,

   "No way. No way! NO WAY!"

   I hear excited squeals and the ruffling of her sheets as the pink girl on the other line kicks her bed, giddy with the thought of the two girls spending time together again.

   "I can't wait for you to meet everyone here!! Like Bakugou, Hagakure, Jirou, Momo..."
She goes on and on, but I stopped listening.

Meeting new people isn't really my favorite thing.

     I could feel the anxiety build up in my stomach creating a large lump in my throat. Transferring schools was nerve-racking but at least I have Mina and...

"Kirishima goes to U.A. too, right?" I interrupt my friends rambling.

"Oh yeah, that's right, you guys were classmates." Mina recalls, "Yeah, he goes here! He had a total glow up too!!"


I think back to Middle School remembering the timid, self-conscious, Kirishima Ejiro who was my classmate, and wonder how much he really changed in the short amount of time I was gone.

'I'm sure he's still as kind and respectful as always. Mina did say glow up after all'

   I smile to myself while Mina rambles on about someone named Bakugou's cooking.

"Hey are you even listening?!" Mina shouts at me.

"Ah, sorry no. I was just thinking is all."

  If I tell Mina I was thinking about Kirishima she's going to start assuming things.

"Well, I was asking when you're gonna be back."

"Tomorrow afternoon."

"Great!! Then after you land and get settled a little, we can go to our favorite shops!"

"Sounds like a plan to me." I smile looking up to my empty room that I would soon leave behind.

  I'm so glad I have a friend like Mina.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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