Junk of the Heart

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David slipped on a pair of worn- light washed jeans over a pair of Saint Patrick's boxers Maia had bought a year before. He didn't have any energy to find a clean shirt and settled on his old high school's pull over sweatshirt, putting it on top of his bare chest. Figuring he would be getting his hair and makeup done in minutes, he half questioned if he needed to take a shower. In better judgement, he hopped in the shower quickly. He rummaged a pair of beat up converse sneakers, not bothering to lace them up in effort to actually be on time for work for once. Opening his apartment door, he found Maia standing there, leaning against the wall. Her hair was matted over, her makeup smeared, and her outfit was torn and covered in dirt. David frowned, even though he still thought she looked beautiful. He rushed out to her, taking her hand into his, " Maia, what happened?" 

Maia shrugged, " Bradley told me not to walk at night for night shoots, but Jill needed to borrow my car, and I didn't want to call a cab. So I walked-" David frowned again, finishing off her sentence, " And you got mugged?" 

Maia nodded, her eyes locked on David. David nodded, as Maia began to tear up. " Hey, don't cry, you're safe, now. Come on, I'll clean you up." 

Maia shook her head, " No, no, I don't want to make you late for the shoot. I just came over to see if we could walk together. You know safer in numbers." She quietly laughed, as David hinted at a smile, " I'll call up Bradley, come on, I'll give you some new clothes."

Maia walked into his apartment dropping her now-empty purse onto David's couch, as she slumped into one of the arm chairs. David walked over to Maia, taking a seat beside her. 

" Any suggestions on clothes?" David asked, as Maia shrugged, " Really, it doesn't matter. A sweatshirt, maybe some pants whatever is easiest for you." David nodded, as Maia placed her hand onto his forearm, as she smiled, " Thanks, David. Really, it means a lot." David nodded, " I just want to make sure you're okay." 

Maia nodded, " I am, now." David smirked, " So, I'm not going to lie to you. All my shirts are pretty dirty right now. But this sweatshirt-" He pointed to his own pull over and laughed, " I promise you it's clean, I just put it on after I took a shower." Before Maia could stop him, David stripped off his sweatshirt, exposing his bare chest. He handed it to Maia, as she noticed the Saint Patrick's boxers she gave to David the year before. It was a gag gift, and she could have never expected him to actually wear them. " Are those the boxers I-" She began as she brushed her fingertips over the band. David blushed, nodding, " Yeah, they're my favorite pair." 

Maia smiled, as she put the sweatshirt over her own ratted and torn shirt. David handed her a pair of his best jeans, in which she slipped on after taking off her leggings. David looked away, as Maia couldn't help but laugh at David's shyness. 

" For godsake, we slept together last night. I don't really care if you see me without pants." Maia said suddenly, as David tightened his jaw. 

" Oh so now you're acknowledging that we slept together? But this morning you couldn't even stop to talk about what happened?" David asked, visiably upset about the events that took place less than twelve hours before. 

Maia sat on the couch, " I know, I'm sorry. David last night I was really drunk, and you were too. You wouldn't really sleep with me sober would you?" 

David nodded, " Yeah I would." He stepped into the kitchen, grabbing his house key, " We should probably get going." 

Maia nodded, " Yeah we should. I'll call Bradley on our way there." 

Bradley grabbed Maia and pulled her into a hug when Maia and David reached the set. Maia laughed, " Bradley, I'm okay, really." Bradley smiled, " We can't lose an angel like you, Maia." He said matter- of factly, pulling Maia into another hug, tightening his grip on her. 

Cierra took David by the arm, pulling him aside. " Why is Maia in your clothes? Did you guys-" She began, as David shook his head, " No we didn't sleep together. She got mugged, and I gave her some of my clothes." 

Cierra gasped, as she let go of David and ran over to Maia, pulling her into yet another hug. Bradley pulled Cierra away from Maia, " Maia, you and David's passionate scene is coming up soon, please change and get your makeup done- because sweetheart you look like hell." 

Minutes later, Maia stood still, David holding Maia in his arms. David had gotten into character, forgetting what had happened with Maia, and instead focused on a much anticipated scene between the two.  

David breathed slowly, " Are you sure?" Maia nodded, brushing her lips to David, " I love you, Brandon. I'm ready." 

David frowned, " This will change everything, Callie. We can't go back." Maia smiled, nodding, " I know." 

David picked Maia up, as she wrapped her legs around him. The two fell onto the bed, passionatly kissing. Bradley took off his headphones shouting, " That's a wrap! Perfect! That's scene!" David and Maia continued kissing, as though they hadn't heard Bradley tell them to stop, but they surely had heard him.

David & Maia LambertKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat