Lovesick | Yandere! Rivals x Ayato

Start from the beginning

"I was, 'till a week ago," he answered truthfully. No reasons that he should lie.

The president raised a curious brow. "May I ask why?"

"I thought I was in love with her." Ayato noticed that his expression seemed to darken, possessive. "It turned out that instead of love, it was actually envy. That's all. I had stopped following her already, no real harm done. What's the punishment?"

Caught off-guard yet he still wore the same serious face. The president coughed. "N-nothing, that's all. You can go."

Ayato heaved a sigh and walked out.


He began to put on an even bigger distance from everyone. Everything began to feel more irritating at this point and his feelings were like strings, all tangled up. I want to be loved too but he can't give any love. It's complicated but the desire is overwhelming.

Ayato sat on the bench, distancing himself. His only companion was a black cat on his lap, silent too like him. No sound, except for the wind's rumbles and birds chirping. Eyes closed, enjoying the moment.

Absent-mindedly he rasped out, "I want to be loved."

"I can do that."

Ayato tried opening his eyes, but a pair of calloused and big hands covered them. The cat hissed and and walked away, leaving him along with the (male?) stranger. His intuition was eerily quiet. "Who are you?"

A chuckle. That's the first time Ayato heard that voice. "You shall know, but not today," the stranger told him, voice sounded mischievous.

When the hands were removed, Ayato looked up and noticed he's alone. Bells rung its noise, and he made his way to his class.


He walked by the noisy hallway. Hands filled with books and papers. Somehow that substitute teacher seemed to always pick on him- calling him out of nowhere in class, drawing attention and made him do all the chores. Ayato felt like he wants to push a blade down the teacher's throat, no.

"This is stupid," he mumbled, head low. Ignoring all his surrounding when Ayato accidentally bumped into someone. Books and papers falling everywhere. How bothersome.

"Sorry," both of them said in unison. Ayato looked up. It's another Yamada-senpai's admirer. Mint-covered chef bandanna on his head, slightly covering his light brown hair.

That man rushed to collect all the papers and gave them to him, all organised. "Thanks," Ayato smiled his usual smile and tried walking away. His shirt got tugged, though. He looked back. "What's the matter?"

He appeared nervous, pink tinting his cheeks, flustered. "Would you like to join the cooking club?"

That came out of nowhere, but his answer was already set up. "No." Ayato walked away, hurrying to the staff room.


Before he knew it, he'd been running into them even more frequently. Weekly turned into daily. Yamada-senpai's admirers seemed to be everywhere and it's infuriating. (Now that he realised it, damn, there's a lot of them. Nine? Ten? He's not sure)

First those shitty club presidents were like- offering him into their clubs, but Ayato's answer remained the firm 'No'. Most of them accepted it well, but still asked him time to time. Except for that one purple-haired motherfucker, he's annoyingly persistent.

What happened? He didn't know, he knew nothing and shut up shut up stop bothering me. Is this a new kind of harassment? If this was it, he begged they would stop. Please return to senpai, not him.

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