Rong Ting opened his eyes and saw that his grandfather was drinking. He felt his heart stir. Hands holding to the stairs of the hot spring, he took a step closer, carefully saying, “Grandfather, I’m also thirsty.”

“I don’t think you’re thirsty. You just want something to drink4.” Song Haiping saw Rong Ting’s big eyes darting towards the sake in his hand and understood what was going on. “Don’t cause trouble for me, you can’t drink this. If I let you drink this, your mom and grandma will kill me.”

Rong Ting looked disappointed. He really wanted to give the alcohol a taste. Why did so many people like it?

“Just a drop.” He knew Grandfather doted on him, so he had the courage to go back and forth with him and haggle. Grandfather was easily convinced when facing him and Empress Mother. Maybe if he talked and begged, Grandfather would agree.

“I won’t let you get a whiff of it! You’re harming me, you have no conscience! I brought you to the hot springs, and you want to harm me. No more, you can’t touch wine until you’re an adult. Of course, you can’t touch cigarettes or alcohol either. If you have to touch it, you need to wait until adulthood. If you start smoking in middle school, see if I don’t beat you to death!”

Rong Ting sighed. “If Grandfather is being petty then be petty, if being stingy then be stingy. Is there a need to speak so much?”

No wonder Grandmother didn’t want to listen to you.

“You, this child!”

“Grandfather is just henpecked. No, not henpecked; Grandmother is no longer your hen.” Rong Ting deliberately provoked him. “Grandfather is also afraid of Empress Mother. Empress Mother is your daughter, and you are her father. It’s the first time I’ve heard of a father fearing his daughter.”

“This method of provoking is useless to me. I’m afraid of Yuanyuan because I love her. No matter what you say, I can’t let you drink this wine today.” Song Haiping paused. “When your mom was very little, we had to take her back for her hundredth day5, and there was someone who wanted to dip a chopstick in baijiu6 and give your mom a taste. Your grandma gave that person a verbal lashing, and I almost started a fight. This alcohol is not a good thing, and children should touch it. It’s bad for your health.”


For Rong Ting this trip to the hot spring was not perfect without being able to taste the sake.

Song Haiping didn’t plan on going back today, and the resort had everything. After soaking in the hot spring, the grandfather and grandson returned to their room. A staff member asked for something last-minute, but fortunately he had brought his laptop. While he was working, Rong Ting approached the desk. “Grandfather, I’m hungry.”

“Then use the phone to call and order something to eat. There’s a menu on the bedside table.”

“I saw. There’s nothing on it I want to eat.”

Song Haiping unthinkingly opened his mouth. “Then go to the restaurant and order something to eat. You can give them the room number.”

“Can I?” Rong Ting wanted to go out for some fresh air. There was no point in being in the room.

“You can.”

The price of this resort was not all that cheap, which meant that the management and security measures here were quite strict.

Song Haiping knew that Rong Ting was a clever child, so he could rest assured about him going to the restaurant by himself.

Rong Ting took his phone and went out. This resort was very large and had both Chinese and western restaurants. He didn’t like western food, so he followed the signs and the directions given by a young woman and finally reached the doors of the Chinese restaurant. He looked inside. There didn’t seem to be many people in the restaurant.

Unwilling to let others look down on him, he swaggered in with his head held high.

He was not tall, and while he was looking for a place, he unwittingly caught sight of a familiar person.

The color of Emperor Father’s hair was easily recognizable. Even with his back to him, he could tell with a glance.

But there was a young woman sitting across from Emperor Father!

The young woman smiled happily, and Rong Ting’s heart leapt to his throat. He was afraid that he’d seen wrong and that Emperor Father would find out, so he moved stealthily. Fortunately, there was something covering him, so he dared to stretch out his head.

After confirming it was Emperor Father, Rong Ting’s heart plummeted straight down. Even his expression was unsightly.

Song Haiping had just finished his work and was getting ready to go look for Rong Ting when he heard an angry knock at the door.

He didn’t know what had happened, nor who was knocking on the door, so he quickly got up and walked over to the door. He opened the door and was stunned.

What was wrong with the kid? Clearly he’d been so happy when he went out, so why was he so desolate when coming back? Like someone owed him a lot of money.

“What’s wrong? Why didn’t you eat dinner at the restaurant?”

Rong Ting scrunched his little bun face, his tiny fists clenched tightly. “Grandfather, I don’t wish to stay here anymore.”

“Why, what’s wrong?” Song Haiping saw him looking like this and brought him inside.

“Nothing. I just miss home and feel a bit uncomfortable.”

“I miss Empress Mother a bit.”


[1] 伯伯: father’s elder brother, but it’s likely being used as a title for the friends of one’s father

[2] 神神叨叨: seems to be a Northeast dialect for saying or doing things normal people wouldn’t do

[3] 锦上添花: on brocade, add flowers; to decorate something already perfect

[4] 嘴巴寂寞: lit. mouth is lonely. I dunno how to phrase this. Getting the munchies?? That feeling when you’re not hungry, but you want something to chew on?

[5] A celebration of a child’s hundredth day is pretty common in Korean culture, and I assume it’s the same for Chinese culture

[6] A super strong alcohol. Its alcohol content can be as high as 65% (disgusting)

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