Start from the beginning

"We can't. You're hurt and I can't risk it." I backed away, lips wet.

"Trust me, I'm fine. And this time.. you can do all the work." He smirked, gripping my butt to pull me closer. I lost the battle, giving into his seductive ways.


He rolled over, throwing the used condom into the trash can. I took a deep breath, attempting to calm down my burning nerves. He handed me a T-shirt and a clean pair of his boxers, as he tore my underwear. I cuddled into his arm, embarrassed with my performance.

He seemed to be getting more... advanced, every time we did it. He knew where all my sweet spots were, using it to his advantage, and he was good... really good.

"That waa fun." I mumbled, exhaustion weighing over me.

"Yeah. It was." He rolled onto his side, facing me. "Did you, uh, like it?"

"Yeah, you were good."

"I wasn't a virgin this time. Plus, I did some Googling."

"Wait, what?"

"Not in a creepy way, just research."

"Not that." I laughed, "You were a virgin?"

"Yeah. You couldn't tell?"

"Well, it's not like you look like a virgin." I mumbled, looking down. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I, uh, wanted to seem cool."

I laughed, "Aww! Was big, bad Marcus trying to impress little, old me? That's cute."

His cheeks darker, a soft red highlighting his embarrassment.

"Hey, uh, y'know my friend died last year. For a couple months after that, things got... really bad for me. I'd be at school, whatever, talking to people, and, uh, I'd just wanna scream at them, "Can't you see I need help?" Obviously, I never did that. And I thought about dying. A lot. Like, "Okay, at least there's that option." Things got really dark... and I really scared myself."

I sighed, pulling his head onto my chest. "I know what it's like. The feeling of being hopeless, ready to give up, completely unaware of the people who love you, but I don't want you to feel that way. You're too good to me, to your family, to everyone. I know it may not seem like it, but I love you so, so much. And if you still think this, we could get you help, and I'll be with you every step of the way."

He lifted his head, "What did you mean? "I know what it's like.""

"You look at Ginny and you look at me, we look different, right?" He nodded. "That's because we're not related, Georgia picked me up from the side of the road. I ran away from my abusive father, if I didn't leave then, I probably wouldn't be here today." I let out a sad chuckle. "But, hey, look at me! Still walking and talking like normal. Just living proof that someday things will get better."

"Oh." He sat up, pulling me to his chest, "If it makes you feel any better, I don't think about dying anymore. I have someone to live for." He tightened his arms around me, kissing my forehead.

"Hey, Y/N... I love you too."


Austin was sitting on the couch, staring into an empty space. He looked disoriented, angry.

"Hey, Austin? You okay?"



He still didn't reply, barely acknowledging my presence. I walked to him, placing my hand on his shoulder. It was evident he had gone silent, again, which was a common case when he was extremely upset.

"Are you upset?" He nodded. "Can you show me why?" He nodded again, pulling my hand up to Mom's room. He dug through the same hidden plank Ginny did, pulling out a stack of letters.

"Huh?" I read through the letters, immediately noticing Austin's handwriting. It looked like unsent letters to his father, letters Mom was meant to send years ago.

"Are these—" He nodded.

"Fuck." I whispered.

"What's going on?" Ginny popped her head in, work clothes still on. She noticed the letters scattered around us.

"Are those—" "Yep." "So why—" "I don't... I don't know."

Ginny sat besides us, "She's been forging letters from your dad, and not sending the ones you wrote to him? This is bullshit. Georgia may be able to keep Zion from me, but I won't let her keep Gil from you."

"Zion left on his own, Mom didn't force him to leave."

"You're seriously defending this, her?"

"I know this looks bad, and I'm not making excuses for her, but don't compare it to her and Zion. Zion is just as bad of a parent as she is."

She sighed, "Sure, whatever, I don't care. Come on. We're gonna mail these."

"Yeah.. let's go."


2/3 chapters left..

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