3 -Our first travel-

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(I forgot to put this but keep in mind you are (Y/N!) There is also gonna have some foul language.)

Third person

"Pardon me sir. Would it be alright if I took that basket, and some straw and bamboo?" Tanjiro asked pointing to a basket.

"You're more than welcome, for all the good it'll do you. The baskets full of holes." The elder man said.

"Thank you. I'll gladly pay you for it." Tanjiro told the elder.

"No you don't have to do that. I don't need it anyway." The man said waving Tanjiro off.

"Please, I insist." Tanjiro said being the stubborn person he is.

"No, it's fine. Same goes for the straw and bamboo." The elder man said.

"Let me pay you!" Tanjiro said reaching in his pocket for change.

"I said it's fine, so just take it you stubborn kid!" The man yelled a bit.

But Tanjiro still didn't stop.

Tanjiro then slammed it down in his hand "Take this small offering for your troubling please!"

Tanjiro then started running with the supplies he needed.

"And thanks a lot for your help!" He yelled to the man.

Time skip brought to you by Nezuko and (Y/N) bonding time

Tanjiros POV

"(Y/N?) Nezuko? Hey! Nezuko?" I call for them.

"They're gone!" I tell myself until I feel something behind me hugging my behind.

"Hmm!" (Y/N) hummed. Then Nezuko popped out.

"WH-WHY ARE YOU IN THE SUN-?!" I yelled to (Y/N) pulling her into the cave.

"Hmm." She hummed walking over to Nezuko.

"Hey Nezuko?" I called.

"Why'd she dig a hole?" I asked myself.

"Is my demon kid sister turning into a mole now?" I joke.

"And she doesn't look to happy about it either." I said. Then I turned to (Y/N) and I see her patting Nezuko.

I smile a bit. "I guess (Y/N)s doing okay at the least." I say.

"Hang on just a second." I tell them.

I went to make the basket that hopefully could carry both of them.

"You two think you could fit in here? I wanna keep moving during the day, too. But I can carry you. Okay?" I tell them.

"Can you fit? In here? Bas-ket." I say sounding it out for them.

Nezuko got out the hole and tried getting in. "Uh guess not." I say out loud.

"I can't believe how grown up they are. It seems like yesterday they were half that size." I smile to myself.

Then an idea popped in my head.

"Hey uh, remember how you guys got really big the other day? I've got an idea. Do you think you can get smaller?" I ask.

"Come on Nezuko, (Y/N!)" I call to them.

Nezuko shrunk and (Y/N) did too.

They both got in.

(Can we just look at this picture I made of Summer (MY OLD OC!) in a basket?)

(Can we just look at this picture I made of Summer (MY OLD OC!) in a basket?)

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