For some reason, forgetting all the common sense I have, I believe him.

"Maybe..." I drag out, "But! Only if you come with me. I don't know you, but I know the driver even less."

"Deal, I was supposed to be doing something, but this is more important."

End of flashback

To be honest, Sean wouldn't do that with anyone. If it were someone else, he would give her a ride to a hotel. He just liked her vibe from the beginning.


Today Sean asked Kaycee to come into the building for the day. For the two years they have been married, she surprisingly never came into his office. She had no interest in what he did for work at all. She respected it, and that was enough for the both of them.

Today Sean asked her to come in so she could at least know what it's like in there. He thought it might be important.

But knowing Kaycee, this could not just be a regular visit, oh no. She had to get entertainment someway if she was going to be stuck in there all day. Sean had left early that morning as he usually does on the days he works. He told her that she should be there at least by 12 so she would have enough time to thoroughly look through the place.

Kaycee arrived at 11:30 am that day and was immediately greeted by the front desk lady.

"Hello Miss, welcome to the Lewser building, may I ask what you've come here for?" A woman greeted.

Now any other normal person would say something like, "Hi I'm Kaycee Lew, Sean Lew's wife. I am just here to look around the office, he probably told you I was coming today, but if not, you could just call in and ask him."

But Kaycee isn't any normal person.

Instead what she said was, "Hey, I'm Regina Phalange, the new employee." With a smile.

She remembered once Sean being on the phone with a girl named Meridith. They were talking about work-related stuff so she assumed she must have been important in the company.

"I was hired by Meredith, she said I could just go right up and she would assign me my tasks." Kaycee could only pray that that sounded believable. 

"Oh yes, I heard she was looking for a new assistant, that must be you," The lady smiled. "Let me just get you your sticker... anddddd. Okay, you're all set! Good luck Miss Phalange." She cheered placing a sticker on her shirt. The sticker read, 'Assistant of Wallace.'

Kaycee smiled and waved goodbye whilst heading over to the elevator. As soon as she stepped in, she ripped the sticker off, crumpled it, and shoved it in her pocket. She couldn't help but burst out laughing at how well she pulled that off. 

She pressed the top-level button. Before Sean left this morning her told her a bunch of things.

"My office is on the very top level of the building. When you walk in blah blah blah."

To be completely honest, she was half asleep and barely heard anything she said, bus she did remember that his office was at the top.

Once reaching his office, she saw a line of people waiting to get in. 'Wtf' she thought to herself. As soon as she stepped off the elevator she felt uncomfortable.

The people in line were all ladies who wore dresses,  skirts, and blazers with nice dress pants. Almost the opposite of Kaycee who was wearing joggers, a t-shirt with a sweater over it.

She saw the women start to look and whisper, obviously talking about her. After a minute of staring and whispering while Kaycee just stood there looking awkward, someone was bold enough to say something.

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