It took some time until we couldn't hear her or her creepy tone of voice anymore.

He finally let go of me.

"She's hurt bad" the girl said.

"Can someone please explain all of this to me" I nearly sobbed.

"Hey" he extended his hand to me "I'm lakeith and this is Georgia" I looked over at her to see a small smile on her face.

"It's nice to meet you Y/n" I started to get annoyed at his way of calming me down.

"Please" I paused "what the actual fuck is all of this, why is she trying to kill me".

He casted a glance at Georgia "she has Miss Grande" she shook her head sadly.

"They're like this group" he furrowed his eyebrows "that can literally do whatever they want, whenever they want. In this case, taking a bunch of people, placing bets on them, to prove that they can hunt them down and quite literally kill them".

"The riddles are to just mess with your head at the start but it does mean something, look at your card" Georgia said.

"My card" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"At the start" Lakeith began "the cards we pulled out of the box, they mean something. I got strong like an elephant so, look at this".

He picked up a vase "Georgia try and smash it with only your hand". She did just as he said and nothing happened to it.

"Now look at this" barely using any force, he smash it, it even went into tiny pieces.

"I got the runner so" she ran to one end of the room to another in literally a blink of an eye.

I shook my head "this is crazy".

"I know it is" he crouched down to me "when I first came here I nearly went insane".

"Why are you here again" I asked.

"Neither of us got killed the last time we were here, it's like the get off on killing people especially the ones who were never killed first time around" Georgia said.

"The cards are the only way we can get out of this" he held me by my shoulders "check your pockets".

I felt both of my coat pockets but, they were empty. I reached into my back pocket while grunting and pulled out my card.

"It just says 'the lover'" I looked at them to see shocked expressions on they're faces.

"And she has Miss Grande" Georgia said to lakeith as smiles started to form on their faces.

"I'm lost" I said breaking their happiness.

"The people who placed the bets on us are the only people who get to kill us unless they die before midnight then the other hunters can try and kill us too, in your case Ariana who is Miss Grande is the only person who can try and kill you" Lakeith explained "your card is different to ours, you can only use it once".

"And she is the best one and the only one you can use it on" Georgia added.

I let my head fall back but, they were quick to not let me be sad.

"Y/n you got the Lover" Lakeith said happily.

"What is that going to even do, I can't run as fast as you" I motioned to Georgia "and I can't smash things like you".

Lakeith laughed "when you're in love with someone you'll do anything for them right" he said.

"Right" I said back unsure.

He took my card from my hand and placed it between his fingers, as he held it up to me. You can make Miss Grande do whatever you want her to do.

I furrowed my eyebrows "how she just grazed me with her arrow" I said as if they were crazy.

"You have to show her" Georgia said "show her that you love her".

My eyes popped out of their sockets "that I love her" I nearly screamed but Lakeith put his hand over my mouth.

"Not really, it's like this" he thought for a second "her love is there for you because of your card so, like Georgia she has to run in order for her card to activate and I have to try and use my strength in order for mine to activate but you, you have to give Miss Grande one simple kiss" he finished.

I rubbed my head "how" before they could answer we started to hear a loud sound.

"We can't all be together, it's too risky" Georgia said "good luck" was the last thing she said before she left the room.

"Find a way to kiss her and she'll do anything for you" Lakeith then left.

I stayed there for a moment, my side was in excruciating pain, I looked for something to wrap around my waist to stop the blood from coming out.

I tiptoed my way to the staircase, there was nothing to be heard except for the random screaming here and then that made tears come to my eyes each time. I saw the huge clock that was placed in the hallway to see that it was nowhere near midnight.

There was no sight of Ariana anywhere. The anxiety that was racing through my body each step I took was horrible. It felt as if she was going to pop out any minute.

My goal was to make it to the kitchen to try find a knife, literally anything I could use to defend myself but, of course when I got there. There was no cutlery in sight. Not even a spoon.

I was crouched down when I heard the foot steps of someone coming into the kitchen.

I heard them sigh as they went to the fridge. I peaked from where I was to see none other than Ariana herself, she took out a bottle of water. Before she took a sip she removed the mask she had on.

After a long gulp of water she sighed "where the fuck are you" she said to herself about me.

She lightly dragged her pointed finger along one of her bows that was in her crossbow while humming.

I didn't dare even take a deep breath while in her presence. It was only for my card falling out of my pocket that made her movement and humming stop.

I popped my head back in quickly before she could see me but, by how quiet she was being. I knew I failed.

I moved the opposite way of her footsteps around the isle but out of nowhere she popped out right in front of me.

"There you are" she smiled with her crossbow aiming at me.

My breathing was heavy but I still said "come on, you're not even going to make it fair" I said out of nervousness.

She stood up a little and placed her weapon on the counter but she then took out a knife that was held on her leg.

"I'll make it a little fair" she the pounced on me trying to stab me.

I held her wrist that held the knife between both of my hands and the blade she had got closer and closer to my face but, as the blade got closer, her face got closer.

I used all my strength to pull her wrist to the side and I quickly grabbed her face, pulling her into a kiss.

She slowly lifted her head up, looking at me intently.

I was breathing like I just nearly drowned, almost gasping for air. Scared that it wasn't going to work.

She licked her lips with a smile and the bit her lip, before connecting our lips again.

I think this definitely needs a PT3 (sorry for any mistakes!)

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