"Not that I recall, but I don't see the problem. I can't, not be around him he's my roommate."

"Then just change rooms. you just need to stay away from him got it?"

she stepped closer trying to intimidate me, I had to deal with Iwaizumi for a year so she's not going to do much "But then I'd lose." I leaned down close to her face "And I hate losing." I said it through gritted teeth, I think I made my point known that I would not lose Shirabu to her.

she stormed away leaving me alone behind the school 'that was it, how anticlimactic.' i walked back into the school after her, I had my hands in my pockets and my headphones on. Unlike usual, the music was louder than usual so I could barely hear anyone talking to me.

i was going to the room with my eyes closed I was walking when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I used my music took my headphones on, and spun around to see Momoka and Hisa. "What are you still doing here shouldn't you already be in your room?" I checked the time to see what Hisa was talking about.

"I couldn't have been talking to her for that long?" it had been an hour and most of the clubs were ending. including photography and volleyball.

"What do you mean? who were you talking to?" I didn't think Momoka would also start pestering me about this.

"Chinami, she told me to stay away from Shirabu. i took care of it."

"Alright... oh there's Shirabu, go walk with him."

"I'm saying you forced me to stay behind Hisa."

"Fine with me. now let's go!" she started running while dragging me by my wrist towards the team with Asami following behind. when we got within arm's length the guys turned to look at us, that when HIsa pushed me on top of Shirbau.

I propped myself up on my arms suspending me above Shirabu, who was pretty red at this point. i got up off him and offered him a hand while smirking down at him. "Guess you really are a bottom." I was helping him up while saying this and some people who knew what was going o from the team laughed.

He smacked me in the back of the head and started walking towards the staircase, "Hey Sirabu, I'm sorry please don't be mad at me." I was walking after him still kinda laughing at what happened. the whole team was confused about Shirabu and i's relationship since we acted like friends but try to annoy each other.

"I don't get it since when does Shirabu have friends?" Yamagata asked since Tendou had his arm around Semi's shoulder both of them acting like proud parents.

Taichi walked up next to Yamagata "I forget you guys haven't met him yet. that," pointing to the stairwell where SHirabu and I had disappeared "is M/n Sugawara." all of them turned to Taichi, Tendou, and Semi looking between all of them very confused, except Ushijima.
(He just there like🧍)

Shirabu and I were walking to the room when he still wasn't talking to me. I was walking beside him with my arms behind my head waiting for the perfect time to get him to talk to me. When we got to the room I was standing behind him off to the side, waiting for him to unlock the door. when he did we both went inside.

He closed the door and I turned around grabbing his wrists and pinning him to the door. "Don't ignore me Kenjiro."

he gulped because of the position we were in "I'm not to tell you again. Don't fucking ignore me."

"What do you want?" even though he was blushing i could hear and see that he was mad.

"I want to know if you're still going on the date with Chinami?"

"How do you even know about that?" he managed to push me away but he was still in front of the door.

"I have my ways, now tell me." I got a little sad awaiting his answer "Are you still going on the date?"

"yeah, and it's none of your business anyway so stay out of it." I walked over to my bed getting my homework out as he did the same at his desk. after a while of awkward silence, I whispered "I'm sorry."

"What was that?"

"I said I'm sorry. i never should have gotten mad at you. it's your life and I shouldn't get involved."

"Damn right you shouldn't."

"are you going to accept the damn apology or not?"

"Of course," he finally turned his chair to look at me he shook his head with a slight smile barely noticeable "How could I ever stay mad at you?"

"you can't." we both went back to ding our work and eventually went to sleep. 'I hope Hisa and Kenzo are still going to help me ruin his date. i don't want to lose him to Chinami, even though it's unlikely to happen... i don't want to take any chances.'

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