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She looked at the world in a whole new light. 

She was so used to seeing the light from the bars of her cage 

Wondering, Silently wondering 

"Why exactly am I here for no reason?" 

She always thought it was weird that all the other birds were able to smile, play 

But she was trapped in a place where no one could hear her voice 

But the other Canary trapped in the cage with her 

"Why Are You Here?" She asked with a concerned face 

The canary looked at her and came closer, and she became appalled at what she had seen 

The canary had scars all over his body, like he was beaten relentlessly.  

"I was born different. My body is fragile, they threw rocks at me because they thought I had some kind of infectious disease, then threw me into this dark cage, silencing me and banning me from ever using my wings to fly in the sky." 

Her eyes cried silently, even though there were no true tears coming out of her yes. 

"What's Your Name?" She said in a soft tone. 

"Avion. And You?" 

"… I am Icarus. I'm here because I was born with broken wings. I tried to fly only to be killed by my ambitions of being normal. That's the reason they named me Icarus, because like the man with wax wings was never able to get to the sun, I'll never be able to leave this cage and fly.."  

He felt terrible seeing her cry as she spoke every word that made her feel like daggers stabbed her in her back.  

"We can prove them wrong. We are one in the same, I can't see, You can't fly, so why not be each others other half? I'll be your wings, you be my eyes." 

She felt hesitant at first, because her years of self conflict made her think of all the things that made her into the self loathing person today. But even with his eyes unable to see, there was a hope inside his pale green eyes that she couldn't ignore.  

"Alright, I'll be your strength." She smiled and together they walked towards the light, that door that was alluded from them for so long. 

Slowly, Avion worked his way to the door, his eyes looking towards the sky he ca't see with his eyes.  

" I feel it. The sunshine on my feathers. It feels nice.." 

Icarus was surprised to see the boy she saw in the shadows was a beautiful white bird with glassy hazel eyes and enormous wings. Avion also was taken by surprise, he could see what he always thought he couldn't see in the darkness. A young girl with silver and blue feathers and two different colored eyes. One brown, one Hazel.  

"Your name. It Isn't Icarus." He shook his head in certainty. "Celeste is your name, because your feathers and eyes are unique like angels." 

With this, the two broke out of their cages. Avion holding onto Ica.. No Celeste, and helped her fly, making her will hardened to fly. That was the day that cared their fate together.

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