"I...I know... Aura.." I tried to calm her down but she was way too scared.

"Please don't come close. Don't hurt me. I will never hurt you. Please leave me alone." She said as she fall on the ground with fear as if I will kill her brutally in any moment.

"I..." I said but stopped. 

It is not ideal to leave her in this condition but right now she is scared. I think it is best that I should do what she is saying. 


Next morning I woke up in the guest room full of guilt. I couldn't sleep well. All I was thinking about the wound on her head and fear in her eyes. Why was she afraid of me? It was not like I was going to be violent. I have never seen her in this way so afraid ever.

I walked down after getting ready for my breakfast. All I saw Aura standing in the kitchen making pancakes. Today there was a change in her beautiful face. The bandage on her head. I can see the blood penetrating out of it. This is enough to show the deepness of her wound.

"Hey are you ok?" I asked holding her shoulder first time with gentleness. Because of it she slightly jumped and backed away just like last night. But then she gained her posture.

"Do you actually care?"She said without looking at me.

"You saying as if YOU CARE." I emphasised.

"I-" She was about to say when mom came in between. I knew she was furious about last night but..

"Good morning Tom" Mum said.

"Hey Mom" I replied in shock.

"Well I am so proud of you and sorry for last night" She said holding my hands.

"Last night-?" I surprisingly asked.

"Yes I know these fights take place between couples but the way you bandaged her head after it hit bed corner showed that you care for her. But Aura you haven't told me, how did your head hit the bed?" Mum asked Aura and she looked at me.

"Mom, actually, I was actually going to sleep and as I was not in good mood so I didn't see there was cloth lying on the floor. My leg slipped and I got injured." She lied. Just to make every things alright but I don't need her help.

"Oh you should take care of your self. Well me and your dad are going for walk. And he is waiting outside. So Tom you both can have your breakfast" Mom said to her then to me.

"Ok Mom" I said.

"I am really proud that you are our son. I am really sorry for what we said. We were angry as you were." She said hugging me. 

"It's..It's ok mom" I said. Poor lady doesn't know the truth.

"Ok bye"She said and went. We both sat and ate our breakfast.

"I will come late tonight. I have some work." I said.

"Well I too will be back by-" She said but I cut her off.

"Wait where are you going?" I asked.

"Oh, I actually have to meet my client" She said with a weak smile.

"For what?" I asked.

"For a book project" She told.

"Who decided today's date?" I asked looking at her then down.

"He" She said.

"You can go later" I said.

"But why?" She asked.

"Cause I won't  be there when you will meet him" I said which made her eyebrows twitched.

"So how does it matter?" She asked.

"It matters cause I am your husband" I said sternly.

"Not for me" She plainly said.

"Still and you have to take care of house after I will go." I said looking at her.

"But I am still a writer and I have work to do" She said with a tensed voice.

"Well that's not important for me. And if I tell you the truth, writing is just a waste. All you are doing is a waste. It better you do household." I said standing up.

"How can you do this to me?" She nearly yelled which made me angry.

"Like this" I took her sheets and tore them apart and threw them on the ground. She looked at it like a statue and bent down to pick those pieces. I walked out but turned back only to see her crying ugly holding those. Ignoring the facts that I did very wrong I walked to my car.


I came back from the office feeling tired and actually unwell. When I stepped in my room, I heard a voice. Voice of her. I opened the door and saw her sitting on the window seat.

"No mom, everything is alright.... Yeah he takes a lot of care of me.... Yes mom, he loves me. You don't worry about me mom. I will take care of myself....Ok mom bye."

She hanged up the call and started crying in herself. Her tears were shining in the moonlight. I don't know why I was getting hurt by this. Suddenly she saw me and dried up her tears. All she told to her mom was a lie. Is everything alright? No. Do I take a lot of care of her? Not at all. Do I love here? N... Do I?

 "You look odd today. Is everything alright?" She asked without looking at me.

"Since when you started noticing me?" I bitched.

"Since always and that's why it hurts." She plainly replied. 

"I don't have time to continue this. I am going to sleep." I said going towards the bed.

"You okay Tom?" She asked but this time no mock. There was worry.

"Yeah" I said laying down in fever which I think she didn't notice.

'SINCE ALWAYS' Her words were echoing in my head. Don't know why but when she said my name, I felt the actual care for me in her voice. Why are my thoughts towards her changing?


I woke up feeling much better. I touched my head cause I felt my fever was down. I was going to get up when I felt something in my hands. Hands. Hands of her. I looked down and saw her hands in mine as if I griped her hand not letting her go. I saw her sitting on the ground or actually sleeping keeping her head on the bed corner. I was suspicious about her until I saw a bowl of water and cloth dipped in it. Aura woke up all night just to bring my fever down. Why is she doing this? Why is she making me love her when she knows I can never love anyone. Not even her.






Date: MARCH 24,2021

Words: 1905

Hello friends!! Made it before WEEKEND. Yipeeeee!!!! 

Hope you like it.Forgive me if there is any mistake.

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Have a good day!!! Bye for now........

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