
He wakes up in a jolt.

The first thing he did is to take as much air as he can. He feels his cold sweat, and his hands were almost shaking. His hand flew to his chest. It's as if something inside it is aching but he doesn't know for sure.. and he isn't sure why.

He reaches for his phone which is on the bedside table. He checked the time. It's ten past pm. He glanced ta the glass window and saw the dark night sky. Why is this happening to him again? He clicked his inbox open and searched for Jaebeom's name. But in the middle of composing a text message to the latter, Jinyoung stopped.

Should he bother him again for this same thing? Jinyoung shakes his head and long pressed the back space. Why am I crying over something I couldn't even remember? When will I overcome this? He thinks to himself, hoping these could be answered.

He tried to get back to sleep again. But it's of no use. Fifteen minutes after and he's still lying awake. So he gets up from bed. No matter how many times he toss and turn, he can't shut his eyes back to sleep. His heart is still aching for a reason not known to him. It's probably because of what he's dreamt but fuck it 'cause he can't even remember what it was.

He walks towards the bathroom where his medicine cabinet was. He scanned the plastic bottles and grabbed the one he needs. This isn't prescribed by his doctor and Jaebeom has always been against this but what could he do? He needs this.

He shook the bottle until one pill drops on his palm. He put it inside his mouth and swallowed it. Glancing at his own reflection and doubting that a single pill could do the work, Jinyoung thought of taking a few more. But right as he was about to, he heard consecutive knocks on his door. He wondered who that could be and put the bottle back inside the cabinet before walking towards the main door to see who it was.

"Excuse me but... could I use your bathroom?"

A guy with blonde hair, wearing a white baggy shirt and black sweatpants is standing outside his door asking him this. Jinyoung stared in pure surprise at the guy's question, and next comes the confusion as to who this guy is and why of all rooms here in this floor, did he decide to knock on his door at this hour.


"You see I live next door and my toilet there is clogged. I really need to do some important business and it'll be really bad if I can't use the toilet right now, so...?"

Jinyoung blinked, still in confusion but understood how in need this guy is. "Uh, well.. o-okay." He was just opening the door a bit wider to let the guy in when the blonde did walk inside with urgency and was almost running past him along the entry way, saying a quick thanks.

"The bathroom is on your-" Jinyoung says aloud so the blonde could hear but the guy was already heading to the right direction. "-left."

Well, okay. Jinyoung thought. He just let a stranger inside his place. A good way to end his first night at his new place, isn't it?

While he was waiting for the blonde to get back from his bathroom, Jinyoung thought of texting Jaebeom, so he did.

Hey Jaebeom? Quick question...

How safe is it to let a complete stranger (although he claims to live right next-door) inside your place at this hour of the night?

Because I just did...
And I would like to know if I'm in probable danger or... something...?

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