How it started

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It was December. Which meant we were out of school for winter break.
I was sixteen at the time, a sophomore in high school, when my mom allowed me to go to my sister's for break.
I'm pretty sure it's because she wanted me out of the house, since I never really went out, like at all, and she wanted time with husband number...hmm was it number 5 or 6? Hell I stopped counting.
I stayed home a lot and was pretty depressed ever since I broke up with my boyfriend from freshmen year in the previous summer.
He was my first semi-serious relationship and I started to fall for him and developed feelings I'd never felt towards another person.
I only did ended it because I let my mom get in my head. She's always seemed to get in my that ever since I could remember.
Even when I was younger she'd be able to do it. She'd even threaten me that she was going to send me to my dad's if I went against her. That was her favorite line to get me to do what she wanted.
I packed for the few days I'd be spending there, the night before heading out.
I fell asleep probably at around 4am. Needless to say the internet had always been my getaway. I could always get lost in time researching countless things. From watching interviews of Marilyn Manson ranging from the 90's-00's to creating a new tumblr page.
I woke up at 10 am, even though I had hoped that since I went to bed so late that maybe I'd wake up late as well, but I knew it probably wouldn't have worked. I never understood how I wasn't a morning person, yet I'd always wake up ridiculously early no matter how late I went to sleep.
I got up and put on a bit of make-up as well as put a decent outfit on, nothing too dressy since I'm not the dressy type plus I was just going to my sister's. We usually just chill at her place. Yeah I know it sounds silly to be at home all the time and to go somewhere else to just do the same, but you see it's different I wasn't suffocated by my mother's constant bickering, plus my sister and her husband always made sure that we'd go out and do something even if it were something as simple as having dinner together or going bowling.

I finished getting my bags to the front by the door and I'd put my converse. I wore black ones to go with my plain black tee, dark blue jacket, and blue jeans.
I waited at the front of the house, in the living room, since my mom was at her new job and her husband was asleep since it was day and he worked at nights.
I was excited to see my sister since she and her husband, Adrian, got married not too long ago and besides seeing her at the wedding with being her maid of honor and all, I hadn't seen her much since our grandfather passed away. Because after he died my mom accused my sister of stealing shit and basically hated her after that, not to mention my mother was jealous that my sister's father gave her away. After a while she got over it though.
I sat on the couch scrolling through my phone and I got a text from my sister saying she'd arrived, so I got my stuff, texted my mom I was leaving, and got in the car.
My sister was a little shorter than me since my dad's taller than hers. She had dark brown hair and was 20 now, while her husband was 19. Adrian was a very tall and slender as well.
He didn't really talk much when I first met him but as he warmed up to me he began to talk more.
Adrian drove as my sister and I caught up on the normal things we always kept each other updated on.
We got to the apartment and all talked while bringing my bags up to their floor of the complex. We walked in and my sister gave me a look around the place since I'd never seen it. I settled all my things in the room I was staying in for the night. Adrian put some music on as he always did when I'd come over to the previous place they were staying at. We talked about random things, even discussing our opinions on smoking and drinking, etc. and then Adrian and my sister turned and looked at each other. "Should we ask her?" Adrian asked my sister.
"Y-you do it.." My sister stumbled out her words.
Adrian turned to me, "Francis would you like to smoke weed with us?"
I looked around nervously
"You don't have to if you don't want to" my sister said to me. Fuck it I thought to myself.
"Sure...why not." I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2015 ⏰

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