chapter 2 - 'jack f-ing grazer!'

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"JACK FUCKING GRAZER!" I shouted as I turned around and ran towards him.

He embraced me in the biggest hug, wrapping his arms around my head and mine around his waist, pulling me into his chest and we shifted our weight from foot to foot.
"When'd you get so tall?" I said after pulling away, reaching up to put my hand on top of his curly haired head.
"Last time I saw you you looked and sounded like you were 5!" I said, pinching his cheeks.
"Well, because I was 5!" He responded in his fast pace humor. Jack didn't tower over me but he had some sufficient height on me, which I hated. I was taller than him the last time I saw him.

"Jack! So good to see you, boy!" My mom said as she came bounding over, our coffees in both of her hands. She pulled him into a hug as I turned around to make sure I didn't miss our luggage. I found both of our suitcases and pulled them down, setting them on the ground upright.
"Where are your parents?" My mom asked, taking her suitcase and handing me my coffee. I took a sip and texted Maggie that we landed okay.
"Dad's out front with the car and mom's at home attempting at making a dinner for you guys but..." Jack started to say.
"Hey your mother is, a very, well...hard worker. Not her fault her food is always bad," my mom said as we walked towards the doors. I followed behind and still sipped my coffee, still tired. And knowing Jack, he'd have something fun planned for us to do tonight.

We reached the door, us all chatting and catching up while Jack carried our luggage for us. We piled into the car with our luggage in the trunk and headed towards Jack's house.


After a couple hours catching up with my aunt and uncle, I was settling into one of the guest rooms in Jack's house, his big house. My room was across the hall from Jack's and a couple rooms down from my moms. Full from dinner and not as tired as I thought I'd be, I started to unpack. The bed had a pink and green flowered duvet with sage green pillows, the sun bounced off of the white walls through the window. I hung a couple of my nicer clothes up, sweatshirts and a couple dresses, just i case. I folded everything else into a dresser and placed all my other little Knick knacks and items on there.

"Hey, Y/n/n, let's go for a drive!" Jack said as he came bounding into my room and plopped down on the bed. I walked over from the dresser and sat next to him.
"You, drive? Uh uh, no," I demanded.
"What? Come on!" He protested.
"Jack, come on. How long have you even had your license for?" I said, standing up to unpack my backpack.
"5...weeks. Please, come on. I promise I'm a good driver. You can play your music in the car! I just have a bunch of sick places I wanna take you," he said, fiddling with his rings. I sighed and turned to him.
"Sure," I said, defeated.
"YES! Now, now, now, let's on. Come on," he said, grabbing my arms and pushing me through the hallway and down the spiral stairs into his living room.

He grabbed some keys from the coffee table and I had my phone in my hand as Maggie texted me.

mags - whore i miss you already
me - can't relate
me - jk
mags - have fun for me ok?
me - oh I will!!!! jack's taking me somewhere but I'm not sure where. I'll keep you updated hope i don't die

"Ready?" He said.
"Mhmm!" I replied as I followed him through the kitchen and through a door to his garage. All of our parents were out so I left mom a text telling her we were leaving. He hit a button and unlocked the doors to a black Ford Escape.
"Is this yours?" I asked, getting in after he did.
"Yeah, pretty much," he said, turning it on.
"It's nice!" I said, buckling my seatbelt.
"Thanks, I have yet to crash it," he said, doing the same.
"Jack, don't joke about that. I bet I'm better than you. I've had my license for almost a year, you know," I said proudly.
"Well aren't you just the coolest?" he mocked as he pulled out of the garage.

"That's where I fell off my board the other day. And I landed a sick ass flip there last week! Here," he said as we drove around his neighborhood full of nice and very large houses. He was showing me the places on the sidewalks where he accomplished, or didn't, various tricks on his skateboard, which was in the backseat. When he said 'here', he went to pull out his phone to show me a video of it, but I took the phone out of his hand.
"Hey! No phone behind the wheel," I said in an old lady voice.
"Ew, I hate when you do that voice. Play something," he laughed. I went to his Apple Music library and shuffled one of his latest playlists. I didn't know the song but it was good, and I quickly looked at the name and went to add it to one of my playlists. It played over the bluetooth speaker, and I set his phone in the cupholder as he continued to drive.

The windows were down and his music was playing loudly now as he drove down one of the streets in downtown LA. The sunset was setting to our left and Jack pointed out various landmarks and places as we drove.
"Oooh that place is so good, we should go there this week," he said, pointing to a small restaurant to the right of me.
"Aw, okay! Where else do you want to take me for this we-," I started, turning to him. His music stopped and his phone rang, interrupting me. The noise played over the speakers and he went to pick it up, as we were at a red light. I looked down and it was an incoming FaceTime call but I didn't see from who.

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