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𝙳𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚜 𝚃𝚎𝚡𝚊𝚜 -𝟷𝟼

"PK wake up get ready for school" I heard Paxton say while shaking me

"if you don't wake up imma throw water on you" he said and i got up

i got outta bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower

after my shower i got dressed. i put on a plain black t-shirt some jeans and some black and white low top ones, they were kinda dirty

we really didn't have money like that we were poor, but i have a job at mcdonald's and they pay good. i've been saving my checks for me and Paxton and Prince to move out

Paxton also had a job he works at footlocker and some other job but he doesn't wanna tell me. he also saves his checks too

"PRYCE COME GET THIS DAMN BABY" My mother yelled. i rolled my eyes and walked downstairs

My cracked out ass mother had prince a month ago. she got pregnant by one of her "boyfriends". she doesn't even take of Price, me and Paxton do. we even named him. while we're at school we bring him to our grandmothers house

i go downstairs and grab Prince and hot him dressed. i sat him down in his crib that i have in my room and went downstairs to get his bottle when i walked in the kitchen i seen some man sniffing something off the counter.

i just kept walking towards the refrigerator so grab the bottle that was already made. i looked up and seen the man staring me down and smirking

awe hell nahh lemme get up outta here

"hey pretty lil lady" the man said smirking at me

i gave him a head nod and opened the refrigerator grabbing Prince's bottle

i closed the refrigerator and walked away but my sorry ass excuse of a mother pushed me on the floor making me drop the bottle

"don't touch me" i said getting off the floor

"you stupid bitch" she punched me and we started fighting then the man pushed me on the floor and started kicking me

"PAXTON" i yelled and he came find running downstairs pushing the man off of me then they started fighting

while they were fighting i took a skillet and hit him in his head 3 times. he hit the floor and blood spilled from his head

"YOU KILLED HIM" my mother said

no shit


"come on PK let's go" Paxton said pulling me upstairs

"how much you got" he asked

i went in my closet and grabbed my box of money i have saved

"i got $7,298" i said

"i got $10,357" he said

"we'll go find a apartment after school but finish packing you and Prince stuff" he said and i nodded

after packing up everything i own we put our stuff in his car and dropped Prince off we went to school

we got out the car and walked in the building receiving stares from people

"you good" Paxton asked

"yea" i answered

"alright imma go to class" he gave me a hug and kissed my forehead and walked away

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